Weather 高频
Cooking 高频
Birthday 高频
Street market 高频
Photography 高频
A famous person you want to meet (not from your country)高频
A person who has an interesting job 高频
An intelligent person you know
A neighbor you helped
A friend in your school you still remember well
A popular comic actor in your country
A city you like visiting 高频
A park or garden you like to visit 高频
A place which is far away from your home 高频
A restaurant you want to visit again 高频
An important historical building in your city 高频
A beautiful place where you want to settle down/ have a home 高频
A foreign country you want to visit at first time
A school you studied
Something you enjoy reading 高频
A language you’re interested in (not English) 高频
A magazine you enjoy reading 高频
A gift you received when you were a child 高频
Something you bought but seldom use it高频
An advertisement you remember well 高频
A wild animal that is interesting 高频
A good law in your country 高频
A subject which you want to share with another person 高频
A photo taken by someone
An old thing in your family
A popular product made in China
A movie you dislike
Your first cell phone
An important letter
A piece of equipment you had a problem with
An event that changed you life in a positive way 高频
Something you forgot to do 高频
A family celebration 高频
A sport you’d like to play or watch
A time when you were very busy
Something good you did to help others
A wedding you’ve attended
An indoor game
Something you like to do with an old person
Part2的话题中,一直的高频人物类话题A person who has an interesting job,考生们可以尽量大胆地尝试讲一些interesting的job, 比如说酒店试睡员hotel connoisseur ,熊猫照顾员panda caretaker等等。下面给大家提供一段hotel connoisseur 的语料:
The daily work of a hotel connoisseur, the so called most comfortable work in China,includes searching for distinctive hotels, checking in and making detailed commentsabout hotel services, replying to customers’ questions, accepting media’s interviews,updating personal blog and sharing hotel’s pictures and videos.
地点类话题最近考得频率也非常高,但是思路都是类似的,比如说5月份的新话题A beautiful place where you want to settle down/ have a home,可以按照以前的“a city you have visited” 或者自然类话题“a seaside place”的语料来准备,不需要太紧张。
物品类话题话题相对而言难度比较高一些,特别是最近的新话题a piece of popular law,在5月17日那场考试中,已经有老师做过解析,有疑问的同学可以看看之前的解析。
事件类话题让很多学生又爱有恨,爱是觉得比较容易有话说,恨是很容易讲得非常混乱,欠缺逻辑感,在fluency 和coherence这个评分点上就比较容易失分。所以给大家提供一些逻辑关系连接词。平时在练习过程中,养成逻辑关系词的训练习惯,很有帮助。
cause and effect :
because, so, accordingly, thus, consequently, hence, therefore, as
similarly, likewise, whereas, but, on the other hand, except, by comparison, when compared to, equally, in the same way
contrast but
however, yet, still, even though, nevertheless, on the other hand, otherwise, after all, for all of that, on the contrary, notwithstanding, in contrast, unlike, whereas, instead of, alternatively, although
at once, immediately, meanwhile, at length, in the meantime, at the same time, in the end, when, then, as, before that, after that
and, also, even, again, moreover, further, furthermore, similarly, in addition, as well as
for example, such as, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, in this manner, to illustrate
first, second, third, next, then, following, now, at this point, after, after this, subsequently, eventually, finally, previously
in brief, on the whole, in sum, to sum up, thus