
2022-06-03 22:57:13


  2018年9月雅思口语新题:无聊,关于无聊这个话题, 很多宅男(女)一定有很多话说,那么如何用地道的口语表达呢?一起来看本期的雅思口语高分范文吧。

  o you ever get bored?

  I used to get bored when I was a kid, and that was awful but today, I don’t have time to get bored because the internet has taken over my life, there’s always something to do or to watch. That said, I think boredom is not a bad thing, because you need to use your imagination to stave off boredom.


  +Collocation: stave off (v.) boredom – to prevent or avoid boredom

  Do you think you get bored more now than when you were a child?

  I think I got bored more often when I was a kid, like I said, without computers or the internet there weren’t many THINGS to do. With your friends, you could play games, but they weren’t there every summer or on holidays, so I was alone by myself and I didn’t have so many things to do. Nowadays, I have many more hobbies, I like to play guitar and do sports and surf the Internet.


  +Collocation: surf the Internet. – use the internet

  What things do you find boring?

  Chores are really boring when you have to iron clothes or when you have to clean the house. I hate doing that, and I always try to optimise the way I do the tasks, so they are easier and faster I don’t spend much time doing it. Since I live alone, my mother can’t do it for me any more. My life has changed in that way.


