雅思口语Part1话题范文:drinking water

2022-05-20 12:32:02

  雅思口语Part1drinking water话题要求考生描述自己是不是经常喝水、你喜欢什么样的水、你喜欢瓶装水还是自来水等,关于雅思口语Part1drinking water话题如何回答,小编为大家提供雅思口语Part1话题范文:drinking water,供大家参考。

  drinking water

  1. Do you prefer bottled water or water from tap?

  I usually drink water from the water machine. It is very convenient and much cheaper than the bottled water. I know some people believe bottled water is tastier, but I cannot tell the difference.

  2. How often do you drink water?

  I am not sure, but pretty often. I am quite easy to feel thirsty, so I always keep a glass of water at my hand and take a sip of it every now and then.

  3. What kind of water do you like?

  I like pure water without anything in it. Some people like to drink Chinese tea but I find it a little bitter. There are also others who like to put a piece of lemon in it. I have never bothered to do so.



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