
2022-05-29 09:27:14


  一, 果断选择最了解的那个

  以今年7月份的一道task1考题为例,Which of the following areas should government invest money in? education, health, space exploration. “政府投资”本来就是同学们比较陌生的话题,而在教育、健康、太空探索三个话题中,我相信大部分同学会选择教育或者健康, 因为这两个话题是日常生活中经常涉及的。考试中15秒钟的准备时间相当有限,不光要快速做决定,还要抽出部分时间思考例子,所以容不得丝毫纠结。

  二, 五秒钟完成开头句

  首先,请记住第一句话一定要先把观点表述清楚,并且开头句一定要做到无比熟练,诸位考生可以反复训练开头句的表达,一般来说,应该做到五秒钟以内熟练搞定,如上题, 我们拿健康为例,开头可以说Personally,I think government should invest money in health.如果开头句时常卡壳,那么唯有像练习绕口令一般,反复训练,熟能生巧。

  三, 拿生活经历来举例

  如果我们有与话题相关的经历,那么可以说Take my experience as an example.或者,I remember once…, 多用第一人称表达,如I/we/me/us/my/our.举例方式很简单,就像小学时老师教我们记叙文三要素那样,时间、地点、人物,只要提供这些基本的信息,再稍加润色,我们的例子就可以很丰富。

  还是拿上面这道“政府投资”为例,sample answer: Take my experience as an example, last year, the government in my hometown invested on a health program to provide people with free medical service. In this program, doctors went to our community to measure blood pressure for residents and offered some advice on our daily diet in order to help us improve fitness level. This program really benefited us a lot.

  时间,last year, 地点,my hometown, our community, 人物:doctors, residents


  medical service 医疗服务

  blood pressure 血压

  residents n. 居民)

  然而,如果我们没有相关经历,也没关系,说说自己身边的人,或者干脆说的笼统一些,描述对象为people或者一类人群,诸如children/teenagers/adults/young people/elderly people.

  例如, It would be definitely beneficial for elderly people if government could invest more money on health projects. As we all know, elderly people tend to be more vulnerable and they often suffer from all kinds of health problems. These health projects could enable them to enjoy good nursing care service and have a better life quality.

  例子中描述的是老年人群体 elderly people, 并不涉及具体对象。


  beneficial adj.有益的

  vulnerable adj.易受伤害的

  nursing n. 护理)

