1. Internet:
One of the most important inventions in the past 100 years, for me, is the internet and it has greatly changed our life from the following benefits it has brought to our life.
First of all, we have emails, the innovative way of writing letters because of the internet. With emails, we don’t have to go to the post office to buy some envelopes and stamps to send letters. All we have to do is just to click on the “send’ button and in no minute, it may help us send 10 mails at one time. What is more, we can not only send the content we want to say to our friends but also attach the pictures, music and even video to the email if we want to share them with friends.
Second, with internet, we have MSN to take place international phone-call, which means we save not only money but time. If you have a camera, you can see the faces of your friends.
Other two points:
1. Online shopping, like buying books on Amazon.com
2. E-business, an innovative way of doing business; it provides another
platform of trading goods with cheaper cost on place and a “win-win” solution for both buyers and sellers, like ebay.com
2. Poem:
Among novel, magazine and poem, I like poem best. I love poem the first time I read a poem called “Auguries of Innocence” by William Blake; it is read like “To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.” I love it firstly because it tells a profound meaning within such a few words, which teaches me how to write concisely. Furthermore, every poem has its own rhythm inside of it. Learning about rhythm does so great to my future because it tells me how to see the beauty. Last, poem is one form of arts, and I can learn how to appreciate arts.
3. Musicals:
Among drama, comedy and musicals, I prefer musicals because of the following aspects. First and foremost, I can learn how to sing some English songs. I clearly remembered the first time I saw a musical called “the Sound of Music”, I was so crazy about it. Especially, when I was hearing the famous song, “Do-Re-Mi”, I couldn’t help learning to sing it right away with such a melody. Furthermore, since musicals are composed of four elements, which are music, songs, spoken dialogue and dance. I can not only learn those beautiful songs, but also learn the foreign culture by understanding those spoken dialogues. The cozy plots teach me that for a family, the most important thing is to take care of every family member with all respect and love. Last, inspired by that great musical, I happen to love seeing musicals, which offers me a great path to get close to arts.
4. Transformation:
When it comes to the most efficient transportation, I would like to say the subway with the following aspects. First of all, unlike automobile, subway never costs too much oil so that it won’t cause heavy air pollution to the city; and if there is the decreasing air pollution, it will ease the severe global warming to some extent. Besides, it is faster than driving a car since there will be no traffic jam at all. With the time saved, we can have a nice breakfast and even feel fresh after we arrive at our office every morning. And since there is no traffic jam, it will decrease the accidents and numbers of people’s dying from the car crash.
5. City (Integrated):
Friend, places of interests, restaurant and café