阅读部分:伪科学pseudoscience:有些人会把misleading claims放到广告里,欺骗消费者。
听力部分:教授举例:关于益智游戏(brain games)。这些公司在网站上宣称这些游戏会让人变聪明,还说是专家已经做了验证,于是很多人会因为这些所谓科学依据花钱购买产品。然后有一群研究人员上网看,发现这些实验设计不严谨,并不能得出确切结论(not convincing),所以人们都花了冤枉钱。
阅读:欺诈营销是指在广告中使用一些看似科学但是其实没有经过 research 证实的东西,通过夸大广告来吸引消费者。
听力:lecture; 一个online brain game 被宣传是益智的,但是其实没有那么神奇。专家调查后公布,人们才知道自己在游戏上花的钱是 useless 的。
Pseudoscience refers to the activity of inserting misleading claims appeared as scientific facts into advertisement in order to lure customers to buy certain products or services.
In the lecture, the professor gives an example of brain games. There were companies claiming on the internet that the games they developed would make people smarter, and they announced that certain experts already made thorough research on the effectiveness of these brain games. As a result, lots of customers bought these games because they trusted these claims. However, later these claims turned out to be fake, and the research done by the so-called experts were indeed insufficient, and thus not convincing.