方法一:跟好朋友换房子 但好朋友家太小了
方法二:装隔音材料吗?那个东西我没听懂 虽然很贵但是她爸妈有 可是需要开两个小时车回去 她不想开车回去拿
The woman has a problem that her neighbors were too loud so she couldn’t sleep, and it was affecting her study. There are 2 possible solutions to her problem, the first one is to change room with her friend, the second one is to drive to her parents’ house and get a rug to block the noise.
I would recommend her to take the second solution for the following 2 reasons: first, as is mentioned in the conversation, her friend’s room is too small, she will have to get used to it, and she might still have other problems that affect her sleep.
Secondly, if she drives to her parents’ house to take the rug, she will have the chance to spend time with her dear parents, which would be nice for a family gathering. Plus, it’s only 2-hour drive away, it won’t take her too much time.
That’s the reason why I prefer the second solution.