托福口语话题1 2题考试全解析

2022-06-14 17:43:55



  1. 地点类(place)

  ex: Describe your favorite placein the city and explain why you like thisplace. (2006/1/6) (2006/7/15)

  2. 事情或活动类(event or activity)

  ex: Describe the most importantdecision you have made in your life. (2005/12/2)

  3. 人物类(person)

  ex: Describe yourfavorite teacher and explain how this teacher influenced you.

  4. 物体类(objects)

  ex: Describe thebest/worst invention in the 20th century and explain how it affects your life.








  Your answer can go like this:

  “Personally, I would have to say that, um, my favorite ... is ... . And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know, ... . What's more, ... . So that's why ... .”

  Question 2 Paired-choice Independent Task

  Q2相对于Q1来说,好回答的多。Q2的问题是:A or B, why?或者 do or not do? 再或者 A,B,C...which one prefer?




  (1) Core Node Reasoning

  (2) "Devouring the Opposition" Reasoning

  (3) Counter-example Illustration Reasoning

  (4) Blocking (Declining to give opinion)



  (1) 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因

  这是A or B

  (2)Do you think the high school should teach music andart as other basic science?

  这是 do or not do


  这是A,B,C...which one prefer?


  (1) 迅速选择,不要犹豫,这个题目回答没有对错,能自圆其说就好。


  (3) 当缺少理由时,可以用正面,反面回答得方法,可以充实理由库

  ex:Do you think the high school should teach music andart as other basic science?



  理由2:(如果想出来正面理由)如果不上music and art的坏处:学生缺少想象力


  (4) 建议用作文的题库来练习, 选上述3种问法的题目来练,既能复习作文,也能练习口语。把185里面的题目挑出来反复练习就可以了。

  (5) Q1和Q2不是没有关系的,Q1准备的内容很多时候能用在Q2的题目上,所以多多练习,这样可以缩小准备的内容,争取把这些内容弄得滚瓜烂熟。

  TASK 2万金油式的回答

  It depends on different stages.

  It depends on one's abilities.

  It depends on one's personality.

  It depends on the nature of the subject.

  This is quite a complex question.

  It depends on…….

  If you……. For example……, you'd better……in order to…….

  On the other hand, if……, for example……, you'd better…… in order to…….

  As far as I'm concerned,……(观点). Firstly, …….


  What' more,…….

  So I'd rather choose…….

  Ex: Some students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why.

  Your answer can go like this:

  “Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ... .

  The first reason that I wanna say is that ... . More importantly, ... . So,

  uh, that's why I choose ... for the two reasons listed above.”

  “Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ... .

  The first reason that I wanna say is that ... . More importantly, ... . So,

  uh, that's why I choose ... for the two reasons listed above.”

  第一、二题Self-Assessment Checklist:

  1. I read the question carefully.

  2. I used careful planning to outline my response.

  3. I began with a topic statement.

  4. I used strong supporting ideas.

  5. I used transitions to connect the supporting ideas.

  Integrated speaking (Question 3, 4, 5 & 6)

  In this part, you are asked to paraphrase the man/woman's attitude

  first, and then list the reasons s/he gives. You are NOT asked to present

  your opinion towards this problem.

  以上就是为大家整理的“托福口语话题1 2题考试全解析”,希望通过上述内容的整理,能够让大家在托福口语考试中有更好的表现。希望同学们能够早日跟
