
2022-06-03 23:37:23



  Task1:为了赚钱去Spanish summer trip很累,回来太晚,导致白天上课没法集中注意力,有什么建议


  Task3:学生建议学校提供organized bus trip给大一新生。



  第二条对应了阅读中说older student有更多机会去熟悉城市环境。

  Task4:生物学一种trap,指因为人类的缘故导致本来对动物有益的环境变得不利。举了一种fly的例子,这种 fly根据Light reflection在particular water中lay egg,但是后来它们在paved way产卵,这种转变是因为人类的paved way能产生same reflection,让fly误以为这是水,就不能孵化他们了也就不能reproduce了








  1 .a friend needs to take part time job in restaurant at night which makes her tired and can not concentrate in the class. Give advice

  2.2选 1:attend a university in hometown or attend a university in new city or town

  3.letter: univ should sponsor organized trip to 1 st year stu(young: not easy to go outside;old: be the guide and make planmaking them familiar with the city)

  Woman: agree(Far, no public transportation; When she was 1 st year, she could not find info about concerts although she like music)

  4.ecological trap

  R: human change the landscape When animals need to find a suitable habitat

  ,they may follow the sign which turns to beharmful.


  They need to lay eggs in fresh water(lake, pond),but recently they lay the eggs on the road due to the light reflection, which reduce the reproduction rate.

  5.Man has to prepare for the history paper at the weekend after the spring break, but at that time the dormitory will be closed and he lives far away

  S1: live together with Nick Close but may not concentrate on paper S2: live in professor's(who will go to Italy for vacation) house and take care of the pets A little bit far but can concentrate on paper

  6.Two refrigeration techniques used by ancient people

  T1: store ice Ancient Chinese store ice and use materials like plant to make ice house- keep vegetables fresh

  T2: cool water and make water evaporate? Ancient indians put some water outside in the night to cool water...
