
2022-05-19 08:23:39



  Talk about a special job you have had in the past or would like to have in the future.


Some people believe that primary schools should no longer teach children how to write by hand, and instead should spend time teaching them how to type on a computer. Other people believe that it is still important for schools to teach children to have good handwriting. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why.

  托福tpo44口语 Task3(阅读+题目):Decide Funding for Student Organizations

  Reading Part:

 Create Student Committee to Decide Funding for Student Organizations

  I think students should be in charge of deciding which student organizations (for example, the jazz band or the hiking club) receive money from the university. Students should also be in charge of how much money each organization receives. A special committee made up of students could be created to make these decisions. Currently, these funding decisions are made by university administrators, but a student committee would know better than the administrators which organizations are most important to students and most deserving of the financial support from the university. I am sure a lot of students would be interested in serving on the committee, and those who do serve will gain valuable leadership experience.


  The man expresses his opinion of the proposal given in the letter. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

  托福tpo44口语 Task4(阅读+题目):Scope Creep

  Reading Part:

  Businesses that perform services or carry out projects for clients generally come to an agreement with their clients about the extent or scope of a project before beginning the project. However, as a project progresses, clients may ask for more than the business originally expected to provide, and the scope of the project may grow larger than intended. This phenomenon is known as scope creep, and it can cause conflict between businesses and their clients. Scope creep is especially common when the terms or conditions of the initial agreement are not clearly defined, and a client may expect more than the business had planned to provide.


  Explain how the example in the lecture illustrates the concept of scope creep.

托福tpo44口语Task5(听力+题目):New roommate

  Listen to a conversation between two students

  Man : Hey, didn't you get the new roommate recently? Linda is her name, right? How's that working out?

  Woman : oh, Linda is nice, but well, that is sort of problem .

  Man : oh?

  Woman : Yeah, our schedules are totally conflict. I'd like to do my studying late in the night at our room but she likes to go to sleep early. So unfortunately, my studying, my typing on the computer is keeping her awake.

  Man : What are you gonna do?

  Woman : Wow, we have talked about it. When she has to get up early every morning for class so there is nothing she can do. So as I see it, I got two options.

  Man : What are they ?

  Woman : Wow, I could adjust my schedule, start going to get up earlier and doing my studying either in the morning or sometimes during the day the way Linda does.

  Man : So you change your daily schedule so it's more like your roommate's?

  Woman : Yeah, that way I wouldn't be keeping her up in night.

  Man : Sure.

  Woman : The thing is I'm not really a morning person when I come to studying. So I'm not sure how much work I get done in the morning or at other times of the day since I tend to be busy then doing other things.

  Man : What is your other option?

  Woman : Well, I could go to the library at night and do my studying there.

  Man : Why not do that? Use the library ?

  Woman : Well, the thing is I prefer the convenience in my own room. The Library is ok but you know I got really comfortable desk and chair in my room and all my other stuffs are there too. My books, my notes, the stuff I really need to help me study.


  Briefly summarize the problem the speaker are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.

托福tpo44口语 Task6(听力+题目):A lecture in the Biology class

  Listen to part of a lecture in the Biology class

  So, we've been talking about forest fires and, usuallywhen the forest fire occurs, the animals in the areawill of course run away, flee as fast as they can soit's not to get hurt by the flames.

  Some animals though actually benefit from forestfires and so will seek them out. Because forest firescan be helpful can help them fulfills certain survivalneeds. Let' s discuss two benefits forest fires can help these animals.

  One benefit is that they can make it easier for predators to find food? A forest fire will forceanimals out of their hiding places and out into the open which predators take advantage of.Because fleeing animals are much easier to catch than they normally are when they are hiding.For example, scientists have observed wild turkeys doing this? These birds will go to the edgeof forest fire and wait there in order to catch out the insects running out of the burning forest,which is a much easier way to catch insects than the normal way of pecking for themunderground.

  Another benefit forest fires can have is to help provide a good place for the development of theyoung animals. Forest fires can make an otherwise harmful environment more suitable fortheir development.For example, some trees in the forest are poisonous to beetles. They havespecial chemical that keep beetles away. But after a fire, beetles will seek up these trees becausetrees are died and beetles are able to lay their eggs in the tree without being hurt by thechemical. The young beetles use the trees' nourishment until they are mature into adultbeetles.


  Using the examples of wild turkeys and beetles, explain two benefits of forest fires for animals.

