Independent Task1
Sample Question:
Talk about an important experience that you recently had. Describe what happened and explain why it was important to you.
准备时间: 15秒
作答时间: 45秒
My Answer:
I have been to Indonesia for volunteering abroad, which changed me a lot.
I have to say, it is the first time that I realized that your actions, whether big or small would have an impact on someone’s life. I mean, by teaching someone to speak English, you are helping them break the cycle of poverty by giving them access to better job opportunities.
In addition, volunteering abroad totally changed my world view. This shift in perspective opens my mind to what is truly important, puts to bed age-old stereotypes and it is kind of showing me how small your problems are in the grand scheme of things. (109 words)
Independent Task 2
Sample Question:
Someone likes to talk to old people, others don’t. Which one do you prefer and why?
准备时间: 15秒
作答时间: 45秒
My Answer:
Yes,I like to talk to old people.
I just like to hear their stories. We will spend copious amounts of money to watch movies that tell stories that are not any better than the real life adventures these elderly folks have lived through. Get any older veteran to start telling tales of World War 2 and you will see the memories flooding his expressions as he relives each moment.
Also, I learn from their wisdom and experience. He was a wise man. He taught me to hold a wine bottle by the neck and a woman by the waist, and not to get the two mixed up! (108 words)
Task1是free choice,自由选择题, 现在的考试中有时在第一题也会出现三选一的状况, 让你就某一个常规话题发表45秒的陈述。
Task2是paired choice,二选一问题, 要求你选择两个角度之一去完成45秒的陈述。 这两道题都是用来考察你是否能够适应校园内日常话题,考察你是否能够持续连贯的表达自己的观点。给我的感觉像是每天午饭的时候跟外国同学或者同事聊到的话题,吃饭的时候不适合你一句我一句的对话,更多的时候是抛出一个问题给你,然后我边吃着你边说着。每个人对说话的人期待是能够自圆其说,最好有例子,能让人有画面感,如果有趣就更好了。
关于回答方式,我建议最好的方式是这样 Topic Reason (detail) Reason (detail) 也就是上来直接回答问题,开门见山。然后说两条理由,两条理由后选择性的加入细节。整个答案7-8句话,100-120字适合。这里如果说一个理由,就会使得论证过程过于繁琐。如果说三个理由,又会使得每个太单薄。
Integrated Task3
Sample Question:
Reading: Required Work Experience The business studies department at State University will now require all students enrolled in its program to complete one semester of work experience in a local corporation or small business. It is felt that students will benefit from this work experience by developing leadership and organizational skills that would not normally be learned in a classroom or campus setting. Furthermore, the relationships that students establish with the company that they work for may help them to secure permanent employment with that company once they have completed the program and graduated. Listening: M: Did you read this announcement? W: Yeah and I disagree. M: Really? W: I don't think it will actually help students. M: Why not? W: Well, they talked about leadership and organizational skills, but that's not really the kind of work you do. Like my elder brothers have the kind of jobs they are talking about and typically you are just there to do basic tasks like typing and filing stuff, nothing very meaningful. M: Oh, so you wouldn't actually learn anything new. W: Exactly. M: Ah, I guess I see what you mean. But what about the other point they make? About this helping us after we graduate? W: I don't agree. M: How come? W: Well, the problem is that there are lots of other universities in our area that have the same requirement, so there are lots of other students at these positions. M: Yeah, I guess I hadn't thought of that. W: So even if you take a position like this in a company while you are still a student, once you graduate, the competition for permanent jobs will be impossible. I mean there just won't be enough jobs available for the business graduates in the city who will be looking for full time work. M: Hmm, I see what you are saying. Question: The woman expresses her opinion of the university's new policy. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
准备时间: 30秒
作答时间: 60秒
My Answer:
The university is going to require students to have one semester of work experience to develop their leadership and to help to secure permanent employment after graduation. The woman in the conversation disagrees with this announcement. The first reason is that students in that program are usually required to do basic jobs like typing, so there will be nothing new for them to learn about leadership or anything meaningful. The second reason is that the competition for a permanent job after graduation is fierce for students in that area because there are so many universities that have the same requirement. There is simply not enough space for a full time job. So the experience in this program will not ensure the permanent job. Those are the two reasons from the woman. (133 words)
Task3是校园事物议论,场景就是模拟学校公告栏或者官方网站上出现了一个通知或者倡议书,然后两个学生讨论这个变化对学生的影响。想必在国外上学的同学都会有相似的经历,像是游泳馆由于修缮需要关闭一个周啊,学校换校长了之类的变化都会及时告知并引起很多人讨论。记忆中影响最大的一次学校政策变化是我毕业之后那个学期,CMU不再允许非CS的学生自由选课,如果你是engineering department的学生,而不是cs department的,每个学期只能选择一门CS的课,据说是为了保证CS专业的学生能够更好的选课而牺牲了其他专业的同学,这次变化造成的影响想必现在还在被讨论吧。
阅读中的重点信息是 Change Reason1 Reason2 听力中的重点信息 Opinion Reason1 Reason2
你回答的时候的逻辑可以是这样: The university is going to ____ . / A student suggests that the university should ____ . First, ____. Second, ___ . (15s -20s) The woman/man agrees/disagrees with it. First, ____. Second, ___. (60s) (Those are the reasons why the man/woman thinks so.)
1. 听其他的老师讲这个题目不是这么回答的
相比于形式,内容更重要。有的老师说,阅读里的理由可以不回答,放到听力里。我不反对,只要符合逻辑,言之有理,信息全面,当然可以。但是假如一个学生考试出来分数不高问老师为什么,老师说你没有按照某一种方式回答,所以一定是错的。我就会觉得凭什么! 评价一个答案好坏的唯一标准是,把自己想象成对整个题目不知情,看你有没有很容易的把我讲懂。注意,这里考察的是你的语言能力,不是我的理解能力,如果你只拼凑了几个单词,句子也比较混乱,但是我懂了,不意味着你厉害,而是我理解力强,这时候我会给你的表达能力一个公正的评价,不及格。这个标准适用于Task1-Task6。
2. 老师你的模版不错,拿走了~
拿走吧,反正也没有什么用。 我不觉得托福题目有模版,如果非要说有,那么最多算是一个逻辑模版,而不是内容模版。一个好的回答需要130-150字, 这个模版30字不到吧,如果你只说了模版,其他什么都没说,你不会得到30/150,也就是20%的分数,你会得到0%的分数。
3. 老师你的模版是不是太简单了?
4. 老师老师,最后一句话,没时间了可以不说么?会影响分数么?
Integrated Task4
Reading The Establishing Shot Film directors use different types of camera shots for specific purposes. An establishing shot is an image shown briefly at the beginning of a scene, usually taken from far away, that is used to provide context for the rest of the scene. One purpose of the establishing shot is to communicate background information to the viewer, such as the setting—where and when the rest of the scene will occur. It also establishes the mood or feeling of the scene. Due to the context that the establishing shot provides, the characters and events that are shown next are better understood by the viewer. Listening So, the other day I went to this great new movie and one of the scenes in particular I thought was really set up nicely. At the start of the scene, before the action and talking and things started, you saw, on the movie screen, an image of a city. You could tell it was a big city. There were lots of buildings, tall ones, skyscrapers. And the cars and signs on the city streets looked old-fashioned, like they were from the past, like the 1940s. The other thing I noticed right away from this first image, just when the scene started, was that the city seemed gloomy. You couldn't see much because it was, well, there was mostly darkness rather than sunlight. And there was only just a little bit of light from the street lamps. On top of that, it was raining, and kind of foggy. All of these details worked together to create a dark, gloomy, mysterious feeling. So then when the action started, and it showed detectives talking to each other in an office, I already knew that the office was located in a tall building in a big city sometime in the 1940s. And I had a good idea that the events that would be taking place would be pretty dark and mysterious because of the shot, the image I saw at the beginning of the scene. Question: Using the professor's example, explain what an establishing shot is and how it is used.
准备时间: 30秒
作答时间: 60秒
My Answer:
The establishing shot is an image shown briefly at the beginning of the scene, usually from far away to provide context for the rest of the scene. In this lecture, the professor uses his own experience as an example. At the start of the movie that he watched, it showed an image of a big city. From the tall buildings and old fashioned cars on the street, the professor got the information that the story was going to happen in a big city in 1940s. This is how the establishing shot communicates the background information. Also, above all the buildings, it was raining and foggy. The picture showed very little light (only from the street lamp). So before the character even started to talk, the professor had already known that the story was going to be dark and gloomy. This is how the establishing shot establishes the mood and feeling. (145 words)
Task4是名词解释举例题。场景就是模拟课堂,老师让学生做pre class reading,然后上课的时候用例子来解释清楚这个概念的含义。你上课不仔细听课,被老师点名起来,让你给同学们讲明白他刚讲的概念是怎么回事。是不是很熟悉?!
阅读中出现的重点信息是 What is XXX Explanation of XXX (how / why) 听力中的信息 Example or examples about the explanation of XXX
你回答的时候的逻辑可以是这样, XXX is ___. (10-15s) The professor uses an example / two examples to explain this ____. (60s)
很多同学认为这个题目就是讲故事,做题的时候就先把草稿纸上的定义念一遍,然后就想着怎么能够把这个故事讲出来。但是你仔细看题目会发现,题目是让你using exmaples from the lecture, explain xxx. 这个using 的意思就表示例子是手段,而解释道理才是目的。
Integrated Task5
M: Hey Beth! How are things?
W: Not great! M: Why?What's wrong?
W: I just found out I have to move out of my apartment, like, right away.
M: You are kidding.
W: Well, my apartment...it's in a house, a kind of old house. And now something's wrong with the water pipes. I think some of the pipes burst or wore out or something. Anyway, we don't have any water in the house. And apparently, it's gonna take about two weeks to fix the problem.
M: So you need to find a place to live for what, two weeks or so?
W: Yeah! Bad timing, huh, with mid-term exams coming up and everything.
M: So have you figured out what you are going to do?
W: Well, some friends said I could stay at their place. They don't have an extra bedroom, but they said it'd be OK for me to sleep on their living room couch.
M: You could probably handle that for a couple of weeks right?
W: I guess so. I mean it's really nice of them to offer, and it's free. The only problem is they already have four people living there so it could be a little crowded.
M: And not ideal for studying for mid-terms.
W: Yeah, too many distractions.
M: Um, any other options?
W: Well, I did find this place. It's a small hotel over on 3rd Street right near campus.
M: Oh right! A lot of kids' parents stay there when they come for a visit.
W: Right, so I could get a room there. They have a weekly rate and it's pretty reasonable, but...I don't know.
M: At least at the hotel you'd have a place of your own, you know, so you could get more done. That's definitely a plus.
W: But I have to think about it. Even though it's pretty cheap, it will still end up costing me some money and my budget's pretty tight right now.
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
准备时间: 20秒
作答时间: 60秒
My Answer:
The woman has to move out of her apartment because the water pipe in that old house bursts and there is going to be no water for the next two weeks. Unfortunately, the mid term exam is coming. To solve this problem, the woman faces two possible solutions. The first one is to sleep in a couch in the living room of her friends’ house. The second one is to stay in the small hotel near campus. I would like to recommend the second solution. Because the problem of the first solution is that it is going to be crowded in her friend’s house because there are already four of them. Plus, she might be distracted from the preparation of the mid term exam. For the second solution, even the budget of the woman is tight, a nice place to review the lessons worthies the small amount of money. (149 words)
基本故事线就是男女中的一个吐槽Ta的问题,然后两个人一起琢磨解决方案,并分析两个解决方案的利弊。对话不会给你一下解决,回答问题的时候需要你描述问题和解决方案,并且结合题目中两个人对方案的分析,说说你觉得哪个好,为什么。 Task5是一个听说综合题。听力材料2分钟左右,读题之后准备20秒,然后回答60秒,一个好的答案应该在130-150字之间,包括客观和主观两个部分。客观部分是问题描述和解决方案陈述,主观部分是你的倾向和选择原因。
你回答的时候的逻辑可以是这样, The woman’s / man’s problem is _____ . To solve this problem, the woman/man has two possible solutions. First, ___ . Second, ___. (30s) I would suggest the ___ solution to the woman/man. First, the problem of the other is ___ . Also, the good thing about this one is ____ . (60s)
不是。托福官方指南中明确指出可以利用听力中的观点来支持自己的立场。 理性思考一下,20秒钟你要想出一个原文中完全没有提到的理由是不是太过分了,不要自己给自己上难度。
Integrated Task6
Listening We all know that insects like to eat plants. But some plants have been able to…to develop ways to protect themselves from insects. Today I'm gonna talk about some ways plants defend themselves. Now, some plants have physical features that prevent insects from landing on them, like the passion plant for example. Its leaves have little spiky hairs all over them. They are like spikes, sticking out of the plant that are so numerous and dense that they prevent insects from landing on the leaves. Basically there's just no room for the insect to land. And since insects can't land on the leaves they can't eat them. So the little hairs serve as a physical feature that helps protect the passion plant from insects. All right! But other plants protect themselves using chemical defenses, like the potato plant. The potato plant's able to release a chemical throughout its leaf system whenever an insect attacks it, starts eating leaf. So, say an insect starts eating a potato plant's leaf. That will cause the plant to react by releasing a chemical throughout its leaf system. The insect swallows this chemical as it eats. And this chemical discourages the insect from wanting to eat any more of the plant. How? Well, the substance makes the insect feel full, like it's already had enough to eat. The insect no longer feels hungry. So it stops eating the plant. So, by emitting this chemical, the potato plant protects itself from insects. Question:
Using points from the lecture, explain how the passion plant and the potato plant defend themselves from insects.
My Answer:
The professor in the lecture talks about two ways plants defend themselves from insects. The first one is to use physical features. For example, passion plant’s spiky little hairs on its leaves are numerous and dense. Those hairs leave no room for insects to land on the plant’s leaves. If they can’t land on passion plant, they couldn’t eat it. The second one is to use chemical defense. For example, the potato plant would release some chemicals at the very moment that some insects start eating its leaves. Those chemicals would make insects feel full so that insects are discouraged from eating any more. In this way, potato plant protects itself from insects. Those are the two ways that plants use to defend themselves. (124 words)
Task6是知识总结转述题。跟Task4一样,也是学术场景。大概模拟的场景像是上课老师讲了一个新的知识点,你凭借自己渣渣的听力好不容易听明白了,这时候你的同桌跟你说,不好意思,刚才走神了,老师刚才讲的是什么意思呢? 你看着他傻白甜的眼神,再用自己渣渣的口语把刚听到的知识点给ta总结一遍。(感觉有了这个能力泡妞/撩汉不用愁了 ~ )
听力中的信息走向是 Term Subterm 1 Explanation + example Subterm 2 Explanation + example
你回答的时候的逻辑可以是这样: The professor talks about two ___ of ____ . The first one is ___, (which means ___), for example, _____ . (30s) The second one is ___, (which means ___), for example, _____ . (60s)
不用回答一级概念么?也就是说不用回答Term 只回答Subterms?
对! 因为题目没让你解释什么是term。 通常出现的一级概念都是自明的(self-explanatory)。