
2022-05-28 10:10:18



  How to decrease the traffic congestion in cities?

  Sample answer:

  Personally speaking, the city government can take several measures to decrease the traffic congestion. First of all, citizens should be encouraged and educated to take public transportation often. Such as buses, subways and public bicycles and so on. Meanwhile, the government need to develop urban public transportation greatly by building more public bus and subway routes and widening the roads and streets, which can not only improve the whole city function, but also use road resources more effectively. Besides, limiting the number of private cars on roads will also benefit the traffic conditions in cities.


  Do you agree or disagree the following statement? It’s never too old to get a university degree.

  Sample answer :

  As far as I’m concerned, it’s never too late to achieve something including getting a university degree in one’s life. Many people think at age of even 30 it is too late to build up knowledge .It's so wrong.Take my elder brother as an example. He has been always interested in economics, but it was too difficult to go to university as he was working at the same time to support the family. He didn’t give up easily by studying online at his idle time. It took some years but eventually last year he managed to complete the degree. The knowledge he gained is quiteuseful in his job. Once again, the expression is valid: It is never too late to do something you want.


  阅读 标题 Gym Shutting Down

  改变 School is going to close the gym down for a period

  理由1 to update locker rooms and shower facilities

  理由2 students can use an off-campus gym for free

  听力 态度 Woman, Disagree

  理由1’ Unnecessary to shut the whole gym down, just shut the area they are working on, and students can change their clothes and take showers in their dorms since they are close to the gym

  理由2’ the off-campus gym is far away from campus and it takes an hour to go and come back, plus students will always feel exhausted after working out, so they may not be willing to walk anymore.

  托福口语真题分析:又是关于gym的话题,不过话题与上次考试不尽相同。本次的话题属于经典的“关张”话题,校内某设施或某服务因为某些特殊原因需要暂停一段时间,然后学生讨论。考生们如果遵照上表的示范抓取信息记录笔记然后再在规定的时间内复述出整个事件本题的单项分至少可以轻松拿到3分。 本题可以作为考生们冲击高分的切入点,注意语音语调并且悄然加入一些高级词汇和表达,善用同义转述拿到满分4分则不是十分困难的事情。


  标题 Create Grouping

  定义 group the items in a new way to increase the sales

  例子 the professor uses watch as an example. In the past, watches are seen as expensive and luxury jewellery, always use gems or expensive metal to make watches and people are willing to pay a lot of money on them. One company use plastic materials instead of metal and they made their watches fun and fashionable, people pay less money to get a watch like that and it also changed the way people buy watches. Instead of just buying one watch a time, people tend to buy several watches a time because they can afford them.



  问题 the girl has a time conflict between her tutoring programme and her history class this semester

  方案1 change her history class to next semester

  方案1优点 can continue her tutoring programme

  方案1缺点 next semester the history class will change from ancient to modern, not her interest

  方案2 ask her classmates from math class to help her out

  方案2优点 she can take history classes this semester

  方案2缺点 she cannot keep tutoring kids’ math anymore

  托福口语真题分析:所谓的“又双叒叕咋了”的T5万变不离其宗,记得用啄木鸟推荐的“糖葫芦结构”答题就可以确保所有的信息点都可以以合理的逻辑顺序铺展开来。T5和T3一样是冲高分的重要节点,T5的两个失分点无非是“信息不全”或者“逻辑混乱”。“信息量大”是T5 的一个特点,需要考生在备考时注意速记的练习。另外把如此多的信息有机地规整在一起,给出一个逻辑通顺的答案也要求考生对连接词如and, or, either...or..., however, therefore等的使用非常主动、熟练。



  Fish will encounter some challenges while they swim in fast current, and they solve 2 problems in 2 ways

  树枝1(要点1) 树枝2(要点2)

  hard for them to stop at a certain spot difficult for fish to get food

  树叶1(例1) 树叶2(例2)

  Catfish. They have very muscular and big fins which can help them swim against the current Trout. Instead of swimming in the centre of the water, where the speed of water is always faster than other places, they stay near the bank so they can avoid the current and get enough food to survive.

