Play it by ear是用耳朵玩的意思吗?,那可就大错特错了。来看今天Tem给大家带来的两个新的俚语 play it by ear, up for grabs.
play it by ear
这个词汇的来源和音乐有关系.它原来指的是那些会弹钢琴或是会演奏某种乐器,但是却不会看五线谱的人.每当他们要弹奏某个乐曲的时候,他们只能凭上一次听到的记忆来弹.现在 play by ear 现在已经成了日常用语了,意思是 “做一件事不是事先有计划”,而是 “走着瞧,临时决定,见机行事”.
up for grabs
Grab 的意思是抓、抓到。up for grabs 指的是某样东西,比如货物、商品等现在还没有归属,所以想要的人都可以竞争。
I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to do this. Don't worry. I'll play it by ear.
We'll just have to play it by ear until we can implement a formal set of procedures.
I bought an extra bottle of water. If anyone wants it, it's up for grabs.
I think I will buy a lottery ticket this week. There's over 10 million dollars up for grabs!
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