
2022-06-07 16:12:21



  Suggestions for a friend who would like to make new friends in a new city.

  Sample Answer:

  Among all the possible ways to befriend others, I would choose to give out carefully prepared little presents. Beautiful and practical things can simply add some spice to others’ life, and naturally help to leave a good impression. A pretty good example would be my first month in university. Four strangers in a dorm, you know. We were all from different places and barely knew each other except for our names. It would be quite embarrassing if we had nothing to talk about. Luckily, we brought some local specialties, especially some snacks, like mine, smoked dried beef. The next thing we did were breezy chatting and tasting. This strategy actually works almost everywhere: dorms, classrooms, workplaces, you name it.


  20161016-Describe the best way you deal with disagreement with your friends.

  20161022-Talk about a period of time when one of your friends disappointed you.

  T 2

  Preference: Do you prefer to read paper books or electronic books.

  Sample Answer:

  I’ve always got my easy answer for this one: paper books and the very reason for this is, without doubt, convenience. As a student, you’ve got to get down a lot of notes when you are doing preview and of course, listening to lectures. I can directly write things down on the paper right beside the parts that I should highlight. And I can surely flip though the pages to have a quick look at them minutes before the pop quizzes. Of course, the electronic versions do have their own merits, but the catch is also obvious: the battery can run out. If you’ve got nowhere to plug it in soon or have no power bank with you, you just can do nothing but to face a dead little machine.


  20161105-Which of the following technological developments have made the greatest impact on students’ lives?

  1. Electronic books

  2. Online classes

  3. Smart phones.

  20161113-Some people prefer to buy new books while some people would like to buy used books. What is your opinion?


  T 3








  TPO41-Final examination changed to an oral presentation

  T 4

  术语Peak-end effect:人们对过去经历的回忆跟实际发生的情况有出入。

  People judge an experience largely based on how they felt at its peak (i.e., its most intense point) and at its end, rather than based on the total sum or average of every moment of the experience.

  The effect occurs regardless of whether the experience is pleasant or unpleasant. Other information aside from that of the peak and end of the experience is not lost, but it is not used. This includes net pleasantness or unpleasantness and how long the experience lasted. (来自Wikipedia)



  TPO22-Irrational Commitment / TPO41-Primacy Effect

  T 5

  Problem:Primary speaker学生编辑,所带的成员有一个人总是犯错。




  TPO21-Replacing an actor who has difficulty remembering lines VS. Spending time with him after rehearsals

  T 6





  TPO9-Plants Defense Mechanism / TPO30-Suburface Locomotion

