The TOEFL iBT Speaking Section
Academic Speaking Skills
The Speaking section measures test takers’ ability to speak in english effectively in educational
environments. Students should be able to speak with confidence both in and outside the classroom.
In classrooms, students need to
·respond to questions
·articiate in academic discussions with other students
·synthesize and summarize what they have read in their textbooks and heard in class
·express their views on topics under discussion
Outside of the classroom, students need to
·participate in casual conversations
·express their opinions
·communicate with people in such places as the bookstore, the library, and the housing office
Speaking Task Types
Task Type Task Description Timing
Independent Tasks
1. Personal Preference This question asks the test taker to
express and defend a personal
choice from a given
category------for example,
important eole or places, or events
or activities that the test taker
Preparation time: 15 seconds
Response time: 45 seconds
2. Choice This question asks the test taker to
make and defend a personal choice
between two contrasting behaviors
or courses of action.
Preparation time: 15 seconds
Response time: 45 seconds
Integrated Tasks
3. Campus Situation
Topic: Fit and Explain
·A reading passage (75-100 words)
presents a campus-related issue.
· A listening passage (60-80
Preparation time: 30 seconds
Response time: 60 seconds
seconds; 150-180 words)
comments on the issue in the
4. Academic Course
Topic: General/Specific
·A reading passage (75-100 words)
broadly defines a term, process, or
idea from an academic subject.
·An excerpt from a lecture (60-90
seconds; 150-220 words) provides
examples and specific information
to illustrate the term, process, or
idea from the reading passage.
Preparation time: 30 seconds
Response time: 60 seconds
5. Campus Situation
Topic: Problem/Solution
· The listening passage (60-90
seconds; 180-220 words) is a
conversation about a
student-related problem and two
possible solutions.
·the question asks the test taker to
demonstrate understanding of the
problem and to express and opinion
about solving the problem.
Preparation time: 20 seconds
Response time: 60 seconds
6. Academic Course
Topic: Summary
· The listening passage is an
excerpt from a lecture (90-120
seconds; 230-280 words)
thatexplains a term or concept and
gives concrete examples to
illustrate it.
·The question asks the test taker to
summarize the lecture and
demonstrate an understanding of
how the examples relate to the
overall topic.
Preparation time: 20 seconds
Response time: 60 seconds
TOTAL 20 minutes
满分(4 分)答案的要求:
ANSWER TO QUESTION:The student answers the question thoroughly.
COMPREHENSIBILITY:The student can be understood completely.
ORGANIZATION:The student’s response is well organized and developed.
FLUENCY:The student’s speech is generally fluent.
PRONUNCIATION:The student has generally good pronunciation.
GRAMMAR:The student uses advanced grammatical structure with a high degree of accuracy.
VOCABULARY:The student uses advanced vocabulary with a high degree of accuracy.
我们的答题目标是:第 1、3、5 题满分(4 分),第 2、4、6 题 3 分。