1.People are usually bewildered by dozens of cafes/ restaurants. As far as I am concerned, I preferthose cafes/ restaurants with the following features.
Firstly, the place must be very bright and full of light because in this kind of environment, I canread and relax in a good way. Also, the place should not be too noisy, but I can have some softmusic. If the music is too loud, it will interrupt my reading. Only with some soft music, I can feelquite peaceful in my heart.
In my country, we have different kinds of transport means. But the most efficient one is absolutelysubway. The first reason is convenience. For example, if your home is far from your work place orschool, subway will save you a lot of time because taking buses or taxis always meets traffic jam.Moreover, subway is also famous for being a cheap transportation form. With subway, you don’thave to buy cars and take taxis. In this way, you can save a lot of money.
My favorite play is Shakespeare’s greatest Romeo and Juliet. It is a love tragedy. In this play, itreveals the greatest love between the heroes and makes me understand the real meaning of love.What’s more, I also learn from the drama that whatever I do, confidence is undoubtedly the mostimportant thing. If you have confidence, you can conquer everything. At last, I am also impressedwith the power of language of Shakespeare. I actually feel the beauty of English.
National Holiday celebration is one of the greatest political celebrations in my country. In thiscelebration, thousands of people will gather in the heart of our country- our capital. On this veryday, the president of our country will appear in public and make an encouraging speech. The mostadvanced military equipment will also be shown on this day. Besides this, ordinary people will holdbanquets to celebrate this occasion.
Relax, enjoy & have fun!
除了标题中的 relax, enjoy, have fun 之外,还有
happy, pleasure, joy, satisfaction, recreation 等等。
(第 5 题)What do you do in y
Well, I’d like to do various sports and recreational activities in my spare time.
I enjoy a lot of sports
• doing sports regularly is good for my health
• sports games such as basketball are fun
• I can make a lot of new friends this way
Recreation is important for me
• outdoor activities such as hiking are very relaxing
• I can have a better balance between work and leisure
• it is one of the best ways to improve my quality of life
(第 33 题)If you have a chance to choose your job freely, what kind of job will
you choose? 我们选择一个 job satisfaction 比较高的职业吧:
I will choose a teaching job, probably teaching in a university
Teaching gives me
a lot of satisfaction
• sharing knowledge with students is very enjoyable
• happy to see students grow academically and personally
• students often express their gratitude