男生本来要和朋友一起去海滩,但是 mary 明天要搬家,所以希望他帮忙
1 找其他人帮忙,但是可能来不及了
2cancel 他的 trip,但是他已经计划很久了,而且天气凉了,没机会了
经济学 Scarcity: 就是说如果你和顾客说这件衣服不剩多少了,再不买就没有了,他们就会疯买。或者你和顾客说只在这个周末打五折哦,他们也会疯买。例子是:服装店卖夹克衫
Behavioral exposure? 差不多这个让孩子克服恐惧 例子:教授儿子刚搬到洛杉矶害怕跟当地孩子交流 一天一群孩子在外面玩 教授让儿子经过他们的时候 say hi 然后那些孩子很友善的回他 hi 当他俩买冰淇淋回来的时候 夸下那个孩子的自行车 然后他们就交流了 儿子出去跟孩子们玩了。
Task 5
In order to run a successful business, a person needs to be friendly and outgoing
Task 1
In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge for students in study life? Please include details and examples in your response.
One of the biggest challenges for students is to get well-prepared and adjusted for the specific period of study life.Take freshman students as example. They have a lot more independence and freedom than before but they might have problems dealing with the extra time. In high school, even if you lived in a dorm, you were always told by the teachers or your parents what you should be doing. However at university, your mom isn’t there to tell you what to do. When I first came to college, I missed several morning classes because I was not used to getting up on my own. In a word, you need to get ready for your study life.
Task 2
Do you agree with the following statement: it is more important to maintain relationships with family members than with friends. Please include details and examples in your response.
Personally, I think the relationships with family members are more important.To begin with, you spend more time with your family members, and consequently, the relationship is more important. Because it is hard to imagine that you could put up with the embarrassment for such a long time on a daily basis. Besides, family members could provide you with more help than your friends. I still remember the time in high school when I got really tired of studying. My friends gave me some advice, but my family, they put up with my behaviors and helped me to get back on track. In conclusion, I think it is more important to maintain relationships with family members.