1.Describe a subject that you have interest in.
2.describe a time when you are asked to do something you don't want to do, andwhat happend as a result
3.人生哪个阶段最重要:childhood,juvenile, adulthood
5.Describe a subject that you have interest in.
6.describe a gift that you want to give someone.
1.Do you like outdoor activities or indoor activities such as yoga?
3.some people prefer to plan for future, some people prefer to concentrate on thepresent and not plan at all
4.Do you prefer to spend holiday in countryside or in large cities?
5.agree/disgree that the children should do some housework when they are as oldas enough.
6.Is it easier to be a teacher than to be a student?
Theschool has made a new requirement for the essay writing class. Students arerequired to participate in more discussions with their teachers as well as withtheir classmates. In the conversation, however, the girl does not like this newrequirement. She says that essay writing should be a highly personal andprivate experience, so there is no need to have discussions. A good talker isnot necessarily a good writer, as the girl puts it. Furthermore, the girl saysthat in practice, such discussion activity might not work effectively, becausethere will always be students who are too shy to engage in any usefuldiscussions.
2.问题报纸说学校改制度第一年纪新生只能在第一学期修4个学分而不是5个学分。男生非常同意,并且用自己的经历去证明。1他过去5个学分没有任何时间去参加club或者social,现在参加的club都是大二时候加入的,限制大一选课,能使他们多参加社团活动。2可以提高researchskill他过去就不知道怎么写论文,怎么去organize而且他也不知道怎么去collectresources from libarary。限制选课后大一新生就能关注这些事了,对他们学术有好处。
3.the university is offering new internship opportunity to journalism student.and the woman think it is great.
first,student will gain professional skills through this experience, and also thisexperience looks good on resume.
second,final course doesn't have regular schedule for student to attend.
4.读:一个校报letter说一个学生提意见说图书馆家具 沙发太烂要求换新的,理由是大家经常去图书馆学习希望morerelaxing 更舒适
5.学生写信给校报 希望剧院的assistants canbe paid and trained
BOY:当然好 原来大家是义务的 所以另有一份真正的工作(real job)如果有冲突就只能选择realjob
MM:howabout the training part?
Boy:可好了!现在的舞台背景比以前复杂很多 如果有专人指导 效率更高 而且play 本身也会变好
6.【大学通知】:美国大学要求参加西班牙Spain留学交换项目的美国学生到西班牙以后住校liveon campus。好处1、住宿费便宜cheap。好处2、可以和nativeSpanish speaker住在一起,有利于学习西班牙语learnlanguage(Spanish)和西班牙文化。
【学生议论】:女生反对此计划。理由1、其实学生在校园周边也能找到便宜的房子。她举了她sisterhome stay的例子。她已经找到一个本地家庭localfamily愿意租,房租相当便宜。理由2、和美国学生住在一起,大家都说英语,没法学习improve西班牙语言和文化。所以要搬出去住,只是不要说英语。