
2022-06-06 05:23:46

  TPO (TOEFL Practice Online) 是美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)专为参加托福TPO31口语Task6答题技巧及模版

  Use the example of the owl and the wolf, explain how two special body features have helped Arctic animals adapt to the cold.

  1、题目关键词:use the examples, owl and wolf, explain, body features, cold


  (1)point out the professor’s conclusion

  (2)summarize the examples in the listening material


  (1)The Arctic animals have adapted to the extremely cold temperatures because of their special body features.

  (2)First, many Arctic animals have developed a protective covering on the feet. For example, the Arctic Snowy Owl has feathers all over its feet, which shields and protects the feet from the icy ground and keeps them warm.

  (3)Another physical characteristic is smaller bodies and smaller, shorter body parts. For example, the Arctic wolves have relatively small, compact bodies that efficiently retain heat. And they also have smaller ears and shorter legs, so that they lose less body heat.


  (1)What the professor have learned about the body features that have helped Arctic animals adapt to the world are...

  (2)The ways described in the listening material are...

  (3)Thus we can know how...





