
2022-05-26 14:23:14

  TOEFL iBT Speaking Scoring Rubrics

  Independent Tasks

  General Description

  1. The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at most minor lapses in completeness.

  • 关键词: fulfills the demands of the task, minor lapses

  • 标准解读:

  (1) “fulfills the demands of the task” 有两层含义:

  1) 回答切题。比如问题是描述最喜欢的一部电影,考生就不能回答最喜欢的一本书。

  2) 满⾜足题目要求。 比如独立任务中都需要“give specific reasons and examples to support your response”。这就需要考生举出具体的例子和原因来佐证自己的观点。

  (2) minor lapses。这说明考生即便犯一些小错误,也是有可能取得满分的。

  2.It is highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse.

  • 关键词:highly intelligible, sustained, coherent discourse

  • 标准解读:

  (1) highly intelligible。考官必须很容易听懂考生的回答。这就要求发⾳音清晰,表达连贯以及逻辑严密。

  (2) sustained, coherent discourse。这要求考生表达连贯,即保证一定的流利性和前后意思和逻辑的连贯一致。


  1. Generally well-paced flow (fluid expression).

  •关键词: well-paced

  • 标准解读: 步调正常,不快不慢

  2. Speech is clear.

  • 关键词:clear

  • 标准解读:发⾳音要清晰。

  3. It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation patterns,which do not affect intelligibility.

  •关键词:minor lapses, pronunciation , intonation, do not affect

  • 标准解读:

  (1) minor lapses:这说明考生即便犯一些小错误,也是有可能取得满分的。

  (2) pronunciation: 满分的考生也会有一些发⾳音上的小瑕疵。

  (3) intonation:满分的考生也会有一些语调上的小瑕疵。

  (4) do not affect: 这说明即便有语⾳音语调方面的小瑕疵,但不影响理解。

  Language Use

  1. The response demonstrates effective use of grammar and vocabulary.

  •关键词:effective . grammar, vocabulary

  • 标准解读:语法知识和词汇运用正确得当。

  2. It exhibits a fairly high degree of automaticity with good control of basic and complex structures(as appropriate),

  •关键词:high, automaticity, control of basic and complex structure

  • 标准解读:

  (1) high automaticity。满分的回答都是各项语法知识运用得非常熟练的。

  (2) control of basic and complex structure. 满分的回答都可以熟练地使用简单的以及复杂的句型和词组。笔者不建议运⽤用太难的词汇和句型,这样容易出错。

  3. Some minor (or systemic) errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning 这说明满分的考生会犯一些明显的小错误。底线是不影响理解。

  Topic Development

  1. Response is sustained and sufficient to the task.

  •关键词:sustained . sufficient to the task

  • 标准解读:这要求考⽣生答题的时候表达流畅并且内容充实。

  2. It is generally well developed and coherent; relationships between ideas are clear (or clear progression of ideas).

  •关键词:well-developed . coherent, relationships are clear

  • 标准解读:

  (1) well-developed

  • 标准解读: 这要求考生有能力运⽤用适当的例子或者原因来作证自⼰己的观点。这样观点就可以不断地被发展。

  (2) coherent

  • 标准解读:这要求考生表达连贯,即保证一定的流利性和前后意思和逻辑的连贯一致。

  (3) relationships are clear

  • 标准解读:这要求考生答题的时候观点和观点,例子和观点之间观点的衔接和过渡必须要很自然清晰。

  Integrated Task

  General Description

  1. The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at most minor lapses in completeness.

  • 关键词:fulfills the demands of the task, minor lapses

  • 标准解读:

  (1) “fulfills the demands of the task” 有两层含义:

  1) 回答切题。⽐比如问题是描述最喜欢的一部电影,考生就不能回答最喜欢的⼀一本书。

  2) 满足题目要求。 ⽐比如独立任务中都需要“give specific reasons and examples to support your response”。这就需要考生举出具体的例子和原因来佐证自⼰的观点。

  (2) minor lapses。这说明考生即便犯一些⼩小错误,也是有可能取得满分的。

  2.It is highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse.

  • 关键词:highly intelligible, sustained, coherent discourse

  • 标准解读:

  (1) highly intelligible。考官必须很容易听懂考生的回答。这就要求发⾳音清晰,表达连贯以及逻辑严密。

  (2) sustained, coherent discourse。这要求考⽣生表达连贯,即保证一定的流利性和前后意思和逻辑的连贯一致。


  1. Speech is generally clear, fluid, and sustained.

  •关键词: generally clear, fluid, sustained

  • 标准解读:

  (1) generally clear. 基本清晰。

  (2) fluid & sustained. 表达流利顺畅

  3. It may include minor lapses or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation.

  •关键词: minor lapses, minor difficulties , pronunciation or intonation

  • 标准解读:

  (1) minor lapses:这说明考生即便犯一些⼩小错误,也是有可能取得满分的。

  (2) minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation : 这说明满分的回答会在语言语调上有小困难。

  3. Pace may vary at times as speaker attempts to recall information.

  •关键词: pace vary, recall information

  • 标准解读:

  (1) pace vary. 这说明考生试图回忆阅读或者听力材料的时候步伐会有所变化,即如果考生为了回忆材料中的内容,可以适当地放慢语速。

  (2) recall information: 这说明考生需要回忆阅读和听力材料中的内容。

  3. Overall intelligibility remains high.

  • 关键词:overall intelligibility, high

  • 标准解读:

  (1) Overall intelligibility :这说明满分的回答就是整体上都能听懂。

  Language Use

  1.The response demonstrates good control of basic and complex grammatical structures that allow for coherent, efficient (automatic) expression of relevant ideas.

  •关键词:control of basic and complex grammatical structure, coherent, relevant ideas.

  • 标准解读:


  2.Contains generally effective word choice.

  •关键词:effective . word choice

  • 标准解读:语法知识和词汇运用正确得当。能选⽤用有效的词汇进⾏行表达。

  3.Though some minor (or systematic) errors or imprecise use may be noticeable,they do not require listener effort (or obscure meaning).

  •关键词:minor errors , imprecise use , don’t require

  • 标准解读:


  (2) 满分回答可以用一些明显的语法使⽤用不当。但是底线是不影响理解.

  Topic Development

  1. The response presents a clear progression of ideas and conveys the relevant information required by the task.

  •关键词:clear progression, relevant information


  (1) clear progression : 这要求考生的回答必须是结构清晰,环环相扣,层层推进。

  (2) revenant information。 这要求考生必须提供阅读材料或者听力材料的信息。切忌加入材料之外的信息。

  3.It includes appropriate detail, though it may have minor errors or minor omissions.

  •关键词:appropriate details. minor errors, minor omission

  • 标准解读:

  1) appropriate details 满分回答包含适当的细节。考生在听讲座或者听对话的过程中,应尽可能地记下更多的细节信息。供回答时使用

  2) minor errors 这说明满分的考生会犯一些明显的小错误。

  3) minor omission 这说明满分的回答可能也遗漏一些阅读和听力材料中所提及的信息。
