
2022-06-11 17:30:44




  Reading material Somnambulism

  Somnambulism, or sleepwalking, is a sleep disorder that can occur in both children and adults. Its causes are not known but are thought to be related to fatigue, severe exhaustion, anxiety, or reaction to drugs. While someone is sleepwalking, he or she may take part in simple actions such as sitting up or getting up and walking around before returning to bed; more complex activities such as getting dressed, washing dishes, moving furniture, and even operating machines such as cars have been noted among some sleepwalkers. Some episodes of sleepwalking are very brief, lasting only seconds or minutes; longer episodes can last an hour or more.


  TOPIC: characteristics of somnambulism or sleepwalking;

  Main points:

  l Perhaps caused by fatigue, exhaustion, anxiety, drugs;

  l May result in simple actions (sitting up, getting up, walking around);

  l May result in complex actions (dressing, washing dishes, moving furniture, operating machines);

  l May be brief or last more than an hour.



  How does the information in the listening passage add to what is explained in the reading passage?



  l In this setting materials, the reading passage discusses somnambulism or sleepwalking, and the listening passage is a lecture by a professor on the same topic.

  l According to the reading passage, somnambulism may result from fatigue, exhaustion, anxiety and drugs. And it may result in some simple actions like sitting up or getting up. And it may also result in some complex actions like dressing, washing dishes, moving furniture or operating machines.

  l In the lecture, the professor discusses two common misconceptions about somnambulism. The first one is some people think it is dangerous to awaken a sleepwalker. But in fact, it is not dangerous to do so. Another misconception is someone thinks that a sleepwalker can’t get hurt. As a matter of fact, sleepwalkers can get hurt very easily, like running into something, tripping and falling.
