托福蓝Delta口语Test1 Question4答题技巧及模版

2022-05-30 11:49:37

  托福蓝Delta口语Test1 Question4答题技巧及模版,希望对广大考生有帮助。更多托福备考信息尽在网托福频道!


  The professor describes the large ears of a rabbit. Explain how the rabbit’s ears are used in homeostasis.



  (1)summarize the concept of homeostasis.

  (2)use the example of the rabbit to explain.


  (1)Homeostasis is an animal’s ability to maintain body equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.

  (2)Homeostatic systems protect an animal’s body from harmful changes.


  (1)The rabbit can regulate the amount of blood flowing through blood vessels of its ears in order to maintain the stability of body temperature.

  (2)When the blood vessels in the ears expand, more heat is lost through the ear skin surface, so the body temperature can go down. On the other hand, when the blood vessels constrict and send the blood back to deeper parts of the body to prevent heat loss.


  (1)In this set of materials, the reading passage is (the title of the reading passage) and the listening material is a lecture on this topic.

  (2)The reading material mainly introduces ...

  (3)In the listening material, the professor discusses ...

  (4)First,... Second,...


