托福蓝Delta口语Quiz5 Question6答题技巧及模版

2022-06-12 01:31:43

  托福蓝Delta口语Quiz5 Question6答题技巧及模版,希望对广大考生有帮助。更多托福备考信息尽在网托福频道!


  Using points and details from the lecture, explain what the pyramid chart and the wheel chart reveal about company.

  1、题目关键词:points and details, explain


  (1)summarize the function of the two kinds of chart briefly.

  (2)use details to explain each one.


  (1)Pyramid chart: information flows up and orders flow down. Labor forces on the bottom, various managers in the middle, chief officer at the top. Chain of command, logical, hierarchy. Decision making can take a long time.

  (2)Wheel chart: more integrated organization. The labor force is the rim, information flows around the rim in both directions and up and down.


  (1)In the listening material, the professor discusses two types of business chart.

  (2)The first one is ...

  (3)The second one is ...


