TOFEL TPO口语第4套Question6答题技巧及模版

2022-06-08 22:48:00

  TPO (TOEFL Practice Online) 是美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)专为参加TOFEL TPO 口语第4套Question 6答题技巧及模版

  Question:Using points and examples from the lecture, explain the importance of visual elements in painting.

  1、题目关键词:points and examples, visual elements, importance


  (1)summarize the function of visual elements in painting

  (2)point out the visual elements discussed by the professor

  (3)use specific examples mentioned by the professor to explain your point


  (1)Express a message or create a mood.

  (2)Different colors can convey different meanings. Red: excitement, anger. Blue: calming effect.

  (3)Texture. Rough: emotions and strength. Smooth: more calming and less emotional.

  (4)Artists often combine different visual elements to convey the message.


  (1)In the listening material, the professor points out that...(conclusion)

  (2)She mentioned two examples of visual elements.

  (3)The first is ... For example, ...

  (4)The second is ... For example, ...



