
2022-06-08 06:59:04



  Your university is planning to replace paper books and magazines in its library with electronic books. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this plan?

  Well, I think it's a good idea, but every coin hasits two sides.


  On one hand, compared with paper books, e-books are affordable, up-to-date, lightweight and mobile. They are really convenient for students and economical for universities. Like you wanna borrow some referencebooks on your term paper, but unfortunately these books are already taken by others. If there are e-books here, then you won't have these kind of worries. You can simply download books on your laptop, iPhone, iPad or e-readers, reading, book markingand highlighting information anytime and anywhere.

  提出第一个论点,注意题目中说是advantages,所以不应该只有一个优点。多用口语词汇例如wanna,gonna, cos代替wantto, going to, because。回答独立口语题最好先有论点,后有论据。举例时可用Like代替Forexample会更自然更时尚。

  On the other hand, reading e-books can create eyestrain cos it's more difficult to read words on a computer screen than on apage. Plus, it's pretty hard to keep the reading atmosphere when looking at thescreen.

  提出第二个论点和论据,注意题目中出现了两种名词paperbooks and electronic books,答题时一定要通过对比将二者结合一下,会更加扣题且辩证。

