
2022-06-02 09:46:49


  Task 1

  Describe the differences between two singers that you are familiar with. Include reasons and examples to support your response

  参考例文:Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley are two very different singers. Michael Jackson is known as the King of Pop and Elvis Presley is known as the Kind of Rock. They are both known for their odd sense of style. If you are dressed in a bedazzled bellbottom pant suit, everybody will say you are dressed like Elvis. If you wear a white t-shirt, black pants, a black fedora, and a single glove, everybody will say you are dressed like Michael Jackson. Both died young and both were known for their amazing performance abilities. The style of music both singers performed, however, was very different. Elvis would serenade with a smooth voice and the rhythmic strumming of his guitar. Michael Jackson would get everybody dancing with an up-tempo chorus and a strong back beat.

  Task 2

  Some people prefer to get advice from their parents or grandparents. Others prefer to get advice from their peers. Which do you prefer and why?

  参考例文:When I need really important advice, I always go to my parents. For example when I made the decision to study in America, I didn’t ask what my friends thought about it, I asked my parents. My parents have had a lot of experiences, and I know they can give the best advice when it comes to important life decisions. My friends are always there to support me, but they don’t have much more experience than I do, so they usually can just tell me to make the choice that feels right to me. When I talk to my parents, they help me see the pros and cons of a situation. I always feel very confident with my decisions after I discuss my options with my parents.

  Task 3





  【问题】Explain the woman’s opinion and why she holds that opinion.

  Task 4

  【名词解释】customer lock-in


  【1个例子】Professor举例说他有brand A的相机,想换一个zoom lens, 他看中了一个discount、质量又好的brand B lens, 但是不匹配,所以他只能去买又贵又不太好的brand A的lens.


  Task 5


  【解决方案】(1) 女生建议他今天就去看医生,但男生担心有可能要排很久的队,不想错过review lesson;(2) 明天把所有事都忙完了再去,但这样脚伤可能会加重。

  Task 6


  【2种方式】(1) basking: 举例butterfly, 面对太阳,展开翅膀,用翅膀吸收太阳的热量;(2) freezing: 举例fly, 让体内的水分冻结来tolerate寒冷,体内的chemical可以防止冻伤,温度升高后再thaw and resume to be active as normal。
