
2022-05-26 20:18:48


  Task 1

  Now more and more people buy things on the Internet, how do you think the advantage of shopping online .

  Task 2

  Should college students attend extracurricular activities the first week of classes or after two semesters, why?

  Task 3

  【讲座主题】学校决定为student提供electronic reading device,方便student获得学校的材料

  【1个观点】girl in the conversation 表示agreed

  【2个理由】(1)The girl can save more money。她是学art history,要买a lot of books,文学课的student要read 很多novels、生物课的student要看很多资料图片什么的,这些东西都很expensive,有了electronic device 就可以save money。(2)The girl 认为这样会 more convenient。她 live off the campus,每次都要背many books,很heavy,还得挤bus,胳膊都要累残了,有了electronic reading device,就很convenient。

  Task 4

  【讲座主题】behavior contract

  【内容】为了encourage、help小孩养成良好的behavior,teacher会和student订立一个contract,来让student做出desirable behavior。

  【1个例子】Teacher举了一个他自己的例子。他年轻的时候教小孩子,每次提问,她们不rise hand就开始yelling,这样会disturb other students,有一个小孩更是这样,teacher通过了解知道这个小孩十分like play computer,teacher就和他签订了contract,如果他连续今天都能rise hand to answer the question,没有disturb other students,teacher就让他玩10 minutes computer。于是慢慢的,他养成了rise hand的好习惯。

  这篇口语跟TPO21中Question 4 of 6 “Questioning Awareness of Effect”的一篇口语差不多,大家可以参考一下)

  Task 5


  【解决方案】There are two solutions:(1)去附近的一家Italian restaurant 庆祝,但是很expensive,会cost a lot of money;(2)Tell everyone wear more clothes, but 这样会很uncomfortable。

  Task 6

  【一个问题】Ants 如何提高foraging strategies,find more food?

  【2种方法】(1)change direction。举了个例子,Army ant在第一次foraging过程中会的方向north from the nest, the next time will go to east to forage,这样就可以 avoid cover same places。(2)work together。举了个例子是ants发现了一块fruit,如果把fruit

