托福机经: 2012年11月24日托福考试口语机经回忆及解析

2022-06-11 13:51:31


  Task 1

  A friend of you wants to take a part-time job when he goes to university. What is your opinion? What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing part-time jobs? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

  Task 2

  Some people think that social skill is more important to achieve career success. Others think that hard work plays a more important role. Which do you think is more important? Give detailed reasons and examples to illustrate your opinion.

  Task 3


  【原 因】(1)到期末老师会把这些笔记综合成册,发给每个学生review;(2)每个人都会成为对应chapter的expert, 如果有人对什么内容不明白,可以互相问。



  Task 4

  【讲座主题】restoration ecology(恢复生态学)来源:北京新航道

  【内容讲解】人类想要恢复已经被破坏了的生物的自然环境,必须试图恢复以前那片土地的所有因素,lack essential factor可能会导致恢复失败。

  【1个例子】教授举了个例子,美国人要在一个prairie grassland上重新种植plants。科学家先除去weed、然后在草原上撒上种子,但庄稼并没有长起来,因为唯独没考虑加入fire, fire能烧死weed还形成肥料。最后加入了fire后,问题便迎刃而解。

  Task 5

  【一个问题】女生的室友whole night给她男友打电话太吵,always talks over the phone with her boyfriend over night, 影响了她的休息,can't fall asleep and get enough sleep。她和室友谈过,但是室友不听。

  【解决方案】男生给了两个解决方案:(1)去房管科housing office投诉complain。但女生认为,这个做法过于正式formal,后果会很严重,室友会被赶出宿舍be kicked out of the dorm, 而且室友并不坏she is not a bad person, 这样would destroy the relationship with her roommate;(2)move to a new extra room in the same building,女生说这样她会失去住在这个floor的her friends, and feel lonely, 她舍不得。

  Task 6

  【讲座主题】two ways to motivate employees

  【2种方式】(1)positive working environment, 举办社会活动,增进感情,举例说公司可以举办picnic, 在picnic过程中员工可以互相交流,然后have fun with each other, 员工对公司的印象就好了,工作就更motivated了;(2)professional development, 提高职员的知识level, 举例说公司可以让员工参加一些培训课程,他们会觉得公司是真心为他们好,于是会更加努力地回报公司。
