
2022-05-24 08:02:53


  Task 1

  Which of the following kinds of movie do you dislike the most? Action movie, romance movie and science fiction movie. Explain your answer in details.

  Task 2

  Some people prefer to watch news everyday, others prefer to watch news once in while. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.

  Task 3

  Plan: The school plans to extend the open hour of the university dining hall to 10pm.

  Task 4

  Assimilation and accommodation: People tend to include a new concept into the category they have already known, and modify the old category if it doesn't fit.

  Task 5

  The woman's problem is that she wants to take a history class to graduate, but the class is canceled because of low enrollment.

  Task 6

  Two ways too keep food from being spoiled.
