口语第一题是which activity do you prefer to do alone rather than in group? (1)study(2)exercise (3)shopping.
口语第二题是some people believe that government should invest money in programs designed to protect endangered species, while some people believe that these money should come from private sources.
口语第三题是学校图书馆要make all the books and journals online and no longer use paper copies of materials for books,因为要spare much more space for other use。男生同意。第一,他在图书馆工作过,很多人都在talking about how to expand the library space, space is a serious problem and space is limited on campus。第二点,making all materials online will make it more convenient more students to search for sources.
口语第四题是vertical migration in marine biology is one form of migration in the water where the move is up and down, is referred to marine animal to ensure a plentiful supply of..food..and safety from predators。例子用的是squid乌贼,白天回到海底,避免在surface被predator发现,到了晚上,可以去surface feed on tiny organusms。
口语第六题的ecture是说history of newspaper in USA,为啥报纸购买数量比以前增长许多。第一,advanced techonology of printing process印得快,in less time。第二个原因是报纸更便宜了,因为报纸的运营经费来自于其他other resources of funding,不再依赖于报纸的销售收入。
第一题问study exercise 和shopping..三选一你比较prefer哪个to do alone
第二题 some people think government should spend funding to perotect endangered animal other think the funding should come from private sources选一个。
第三题,说school library no longer provide book copies of journals and periodical materials for student.男生同意,理由1:library has no space to keep the books,they have to expand library by building new building.图书馆这样做可以 saves money 。理由2:students have computer in their dorm they can search the material online.
第四题,说的是垂直迁移,意思是有些海洋动物会travel from bottom to the surface though the ocean.pro 举了个例子squid 白天的时候因为有sunlight 会让他们暴露在predator所以它们会躲到bottom of the ocean because the darkness will protect them.然后晚上就滚到surface to觅食然后呆一晚上...白天又滚回海底..
第五题,说这个女学生 broken her ankle,but she has student teaching at downtown she can choose to take the taxi or have her friend drive her to downtown. Taxi is too expensive and her friend have to wait her. But her friend can wait her in a coffee shop.
第六题讨论the reasons of the increase of the newspaper in 19th century. One is because the advanced technique so they can produce more newspaper for people. Second is they find more source of funding so the price of newspaper became low. Eg. Ad space for bussness