TOEFL TPO口语第4套Question1答题技巧及模版

2022-06-01 05:42:41

  TPO (TOEFL Practice Online) 是美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)专为参加TOEFL TPO口语第4套Question1答题技巧及模版


  Which do you miss most about your home when you are away? Use specific details in you explanation.


  (1) clearly reveal the specific type of things you miss most about your home. It can be a kind of food or some furniture in your home

  (2) ideally include 2 reason for your answer.

  (3) right here "home" can not be interpreted as your hometown. It is a place you live with your family members.


  (1) food

  1)It can be some typical food made by your parents such as a kind of pancake.

  2)it can remind me of the flavor of my home

  (2) something in your home

  1) It can be a chair or a couch.

  2) include some details about the time you spent with this very something like your chair or your couch.


  (1) I miss … most about my home when I am away.

  (2) There are a couple of reasons to name.

  (3) First, …

  (4) Second,...



