
2022-05-21 15:54:00



  Task 1: Talk about an piece of art work that you like the most, it could be a photograph, painting or song.


  My favorite song is Shape of My Heart by Sting. I know it’s a pretty old song, but I can listen to it forever without getting tired of it. First, it’s easy on the ear. It’s neither too loud nor too quiet. The melody is peaceful and soothing. Plus, the song has a great pace to it. It’s very relaxing yet it doesn’t get too lazy or slow. Second, it’s the theme song of Léon: The Professional, which happens to be one of my favorite movie too. Every time I listen to this song, it reminds me of the story of Léon and Mathilda. Both the song and movie are sad and beautiful at the same time.

  Task 2: When having some extra money, some people prefer to save it, others prefer to spend it. Which one do you prefer?


  I prefer to save the extra money I have for the following reasons. First, impulsive buy is wasteful and unwise. Just because we have some extra money doesn’t mean it’s alright to throw it away. It gives me a sense of safety knowing I have some money sitting in my saving account. Second, we never know when we’re going to need the money again. Life is full of surprises. Last month, my computer suddenly stopped working. It was gonna cost about two hundred dollars to get it fixed. I had no choice but to borrow that money from my friend. If I had more money saved up somewhere, I could’ve avoided it.
