GMAT GWD阅读改版综合解析十七

2022-06-03 13:48:39

  大部分GMAT阅读试题的答案只告诉我们应该选择哪个答案,并不会告诉我们为什么选择这个答案,因此,很多考生在做完GMAT阅读对照答案时会感到困惑。对于以上问题小编建议大家可以找一些有解析的试题来练习,本文小编将为大家分享GMAT GWD阅读改版综合解析十七。

  For many years, theoretical economists characterized humans as rational beings relentlessly bent on maximizing purely selfish reward. Results of an experimental economics study appear to contradict this view, however. In the “Ultimatum Game,” two subjects, who cannot exchange information, are placed in separate rooms. One is randomly chosen to propose how a sum of money, known to both, should be shared between them; only one offer, which must be accepted or rejected without negotiation, is allowed.

  If, in fact, people are selfish and rational, then the proposer should offer the smallest possible share, while the responder should accept any offer, no matter how small: after all, even one dollar is better than nothing. In numerous trials, however, two-thirds of the offers made were between 40 and 50 percent; only 4 percent were less than 20 percent. Among responders, more than half who were offered less than 20 percent rejected the offer. Behavior in the game did not appreciably depend on the players’ sex, age, or education. Nor did the amount of money involved play a significant role: for instance, in trials of the game that were conducted in Indonesia, the sum to be shared was as much as three times the subjects’ average monthly income, and still responders refused offers that they deemed too small.


  The primary purpose of the passage is to

  A. provide evidence in support of the view that human beings are essentially rational and selfish

  B. use a particular study to challenge the argument that the economic behavior of human beings may be motivated by factors other than selfishness

  C. compare certain views about human nature held by theoretical economists with those held by experimental economists

  D. describe a study that apparently challenges theoretical economists’ understanding of human economic behavior

  E. suggest that researchers may have failed to take into account the impact of certain noneconomic factors in designing a study of human economic behavior


  The passage implies that the results of the Ultimatum Game undermine theoretical economists’ characterization of human beings by

  A. demonstrating that most people are inclined to try to maximize their own advantage whenever possible

  B. indicating that people who do not have the option of negotiating might behave more generously than do those who have the option of negotiating

  C. illustrating how people’s economic behavior depends to some extent on how large a sum of money is involved

  D. showing that most people instinctively place their own economic self-interest ahead of the interest of strangers

  E. suggesting that people’s economic behavior might in part be motivated by factors other than selfishness


  The author refers to the sum of one dollar (line 21) in order to

  A. question the notion that the amount of money involved significantly affected players’ behavior

  B. provide an example of one of the rare offers made by proposers that was less than 20 percent

  C. illustrate the rationality of accepting even a very small offer

  D. suggest a reason that responders rejected offers that were less than 20 percent

  E. challenge the conclusion that a selfish and rational proposer should offer a responder the smallest possible share


  All of the following are expressly mentioned in the passage as factors that did not significantly affect players’ behavior EXCEPT the

  A. players’ level of schooling

  B. amount of money to be shared

  C. ages of the players

  D. players’ professions

  E. genders of the players
