than ever, than anticipated…
1. New techniques in thermal-scanning photography, a process that records radiation from surface areas, have made it possible to study in greater detail than ever before the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river.
2. The report on the gross national product—the nation’s total production of goods and services—showed that second-quarter inflation was somewhat lower than previously estimated and that the savings rate was slightly higher.
3. The spraying of pesticides can be carefully planned, but accidents, weather conditions that could not be foreseen, and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than anticipated.
4. The reports from the Department of Commerce indicated that the economy had grown at an annual rate much higher than most economists had predicted.
5. The amount of paper that will be recycled this year is expected to be greater than ever, due to new mandatory recycling laws in municipalities across the nation.
6. The financial crash of October 1987 demonstrated that the world’s capital markets are more closely integrated than ever before and that events in one part of the global village may be transmitted to the rest of the village—almost instantaneously.