
2022-06-05 19:42:34



  The graph shows the average income of male and female in Australia from January to July in 2001. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph.

  题目要求考生描述在2001年澳洲男性和女性的人均收入情况。图表中有两条曲线,上面一条代表男性人均收入,下面一条曲线则代表的是女性的人性收入。描写图表信息中,第一个步骤是审题。审题过程中,重要的是要看清楚题目要求我们所描写的主题对象是什么,即subject,描述的时间范围(对应文章时态的选择)以及描述的信息单位,即time and unit。这些信息的捕捉的正确与否直接影响到文章是否切题。


  一、 是否有具体数值的描述。小作文所要达到的最终目的应为读文章的人看完文章后可以了解大致图形的概况,所以如果没了具体的数值,描述也就失去了意义。另外,描述数值不可忽视数值的单位。

  二、 描述图形所运用的词汇。曲线图的走势一般分为上升、下降、波动、持平四中,而每种走势都可以用不同的词汇进行表达。如:描述上升可以用increase, go up, climb, 下降可用decrease, go down, drop,持平的表达可以用level out, remain stable等等。对于同一走势的不同程度,我们也应用相应的词汇加以区别。如:急剧下降可说成decrease drastically,缓慢上升increase gradually。对于考生来说,运用多种词汇来表达曲线的走势对于小作文拿高分意义相当重大。

  三、 文章中出现的句式。在小作文评分中,句子结构是重要考察项。中国考生往往因为母语的影响,对运用不同句式作文掌握还有所欠缺。特别是在描写曲线时,很多曲线在不同阶段有相似的走势,在描述的过程中,更加应该注意尽量避免同种句式频繁出现。如要表示男性人均收入在1月到3月中上升很快,我们可以说:Average income for male workers in Australia increased greatly from January to March in 2001. 也可以用名词来表示:There was a great increase for average income for male workers from January to March in 2001。类似的表达还有很多,考生们可以在备考的过程中加以总结归纳。

  曲线图 范文 1(引题段):

  【第一句】The curve illustrates the number of cases of A-type crimes committed in the UK between the years 1990 and 2004.【第二句】It can be seen that A-type crimes decreased dramatically to 200 cases around the middle of the 1990s and then increased to 2000 before the year 2000.

  From the graph, we can see clearly that in the early morning, at 6 a.m., few people watch TV. However, from this time onwards, the number of TV audience is on the rise. At noon, the people watching TV account for about 8% of the total population. In the period between 12:00 and 2:00 p.m., the TV audience experiences a sharp increase from 8% to approximately 18%.

  From 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., the figure remains constant at about 18%, then balloons to the peak of the day, reaching approximately 50%. The number of TV audiences drops dramatically from 10 p.m. till it reaches its bottom at 3 p.m.

  On the other hand, there is a sharp increase in radio audience from 6.a.m to 9 a.m., peaking at about 28% at 8:30 a.m. However, from this point onwards, it declines gradually for the rest of the day, bottoming out at 4:00 a.m. the next day.

  In brief, the number of TV and radio audiences varies according to different phases of time probably due to the different features of these two media.






  Task:The pie charts show the proportion of the energy produced from different sources in a country between 1985 and 2003.


  The pie charts present the change of the percentage of the energy produced from various sources in a particular country from 1985 to 2003.

  It is clear that oil was the most dominant sources from which the energy was produced throughout the whole period, although it dropped from 52% in 1985 to 39%. Likewise, nuclear also declined, but much less significantly to 17%, becoming the third primary source from which the energy was produced.

  The percentage of natural gas, on the other hand, witnessed the most noticeable increase during the period, rising from 13% in 1985 to 23% in 2003. Coal and other renewable resources, though whose increase was less marked, rising by 5% and 3% respectively.

  Interestingly, the proportion of the energy produced from the hydrogen remained stable in 1985 and 2003, making it the least used sources from which the energy was produced.

  Overall, oil, natural gas and nuclear still constitute a larger proportion of all the sources, while other three sources, namely coal, hydrogen and other renewable, are less used when producing the energy.

  (177 words)

