
2022-06-01 17:03:32


  1. damage the environment (or someone’s health / someone’s self-confidence)破坏环境(或破坏

  某人的健康/ 打击某人的自信)

  例句:A regular diet of fast food can damage children’s health. 详解:【相关】is damaging to…对某事物有害

  例句:Some people think having school experience at a young age may be damaging to a child’s development.(剑桥例句)

  【区分】国内同学们在IELTS作文里经常混淆damage 和destroy 这两个词,其实它们的区别很明确:damage sth. 是常规意义上的破坏,如果及时采取措施就仍然有可能去改变或者减轻这种破坏所带来的影响。而destroy sth. 则强烈地暗示该破坏已经到了beyond repair 的程度,无法再减轻或者修复了。比如说某种情况damage air quality ,它也许会导致PM2.5数值较高。但如果说某种情况destroy air quality,基本就要戴贩毒面具才能出门儿了。又比如你看到报纸上报导一座历史建筑被damaged,那么你可能会在这栋建筑里找到“×××到此一游”之类的不雅留言或者在墙上找到一些cracks(裂缝),但是如果你看到新闻里说一栋历史建筑被destroyed,那么你就只能通过照片区永久地怀念它了(拆毁建筑还有个特定写法叫demolish a building,咱们在Day3里已经学过了)。

  2. cause anxiety (or stress / misunderstanding / resentment / climate change / traffic accidents /

  safety concerns) 导致焦虑(或者压力/ 误解/ 怨恨/ 气候变化/ 交通事故/ 关于安全的担忧)

  例句:Many scientists believe that global warming is mainly caused by greenhouse gas emissions (名词短语,对于温室效应气体的排放)from energy production,transport,industry and agriculture.

  详解:【相关】result in …导致某种结果(动词短语) 【对比】prevent sth. 防止某事物的发生

  【对比】prevent sb. from doing sth. 防止某人做某事

  例句:Any kind of spare time charity work will prevent them from sitting and doing nothing.(剑9例句)

