The pie chart shows that there are four main causes of farmland becoming degraded in the world today.
Globally, 65% of degradation is caused by too much animal grazing and tree clearance, constituting 35% and 30% respectively. A further 28% global degradation is due to over-cultivation of crops. Other causes account for only 7% collectively.
从这些描述来看,考官分别描述了图中四个造成土地破坏的原因,并且排列的顺序是由大到小,这里我们可以看出考官并没有很复杂地描述这个饼图,只是把它当成一般的饼图来写,所以我们以后在写组合图的时候,对第一个单个图,也可以把它当成一般的个体图来描述。但是大家要注意的是考官在表达方法(语句和词组)上面分别采用了:被动语态、现在分词、due to和account for等语法和词组,充分发挥了句型和词组多样化,所考同学们平时多积累小作文固有的同义词和近义词的表达。
These causes affected different regions differently in the 1990, with Europe having as much as 9.8% degradation due to deforestation, while the impact of this Oceania and North America was minimal, with only 1.7% and 0.2% of land affected respectively.
从考官的第一句话(These causes affected different regions differently in the 1990)我们可以看出:
1. 在写第二个图的时候我们要适当注意要写一句上个图和下个图连接性的话,比如这句话里的这些原因就是属于上个饼图的,影响地球上不同的区域就是下面那个表格图的内容,所以这点考官充分做到了很好的承上启下来连接两个图表之间的关联,即:在第二幅图的开头写一句承上启下的话。
2. 然后考官把第一个纵向deforestation分别进行了三个地区的比较和分别描述,运用了with的独立主格结构和while连接的时间状语从句。要注意这里考官没有和上面的图进行比较和对比,只要单独描述这个图就可以了。接下来考官接着写:
Europe, with highest overall percentage of land degraded(23%),also suffered from over-cultivation(7.7%)and over-grazing(5.5%).In contrast,Oceania had 13% of degraded farmland and this was mainly due to over-grazing (11.3%).north America had a lower proportion of degraded land at only 5%, and the main causes of this were over-cultivation(3.3%)and,to a lesser extent,over-grazing(1.5%).
Overall, it is clear that Europe suffered more from farmland degradation than the other regions, and the main causes there were deforestation and over-cultivation.
大家要注意这句话是这篇文章的精华之处:我们可以看到无论是单个的图形还是像这种混合图,都需要写上至关重要的一句话:overview, 这点请考生们务必要注意,这是所有雅思小作文的关键之处,也是考生们获得6分,乃至7分以上的一个重要打分点。