
2022-05-23 00:04:01

  有了今天我们带给你的9个主题句型,你的雅思写作task 1图表题就不愁找不到思路啦。接下来就是雅思内容:雅思写作task1教你9句图表题主题句型。


  1、the illustration/ line graph/ pie chart/ bar chart/ table shows/ illustrate/ presents the number of/ the proportion of/ data on/ information

  2、The Table/chart/Diagramgraph Shows (that)…According to the

  3、As (is) shown in the

  4、As can be seen from theTable/chart,Diagram,Graph,Figures, …

  5、Figures/statistics Shows (that)…It can be seen from the

  6、We can see from the

  7、It is clear from the

  8、It is apparent form theTable/chart,Diagram,Graph,Figures, (that)…

  9、diagram Shows how\Describes how\Illustrates how

  以上为雅思内容:雅思写作task1教你9句图表题主题句型。 点击上面链接,里面有雅思写作备考的热门参考书供同学们下载
