
2022-06-12 18:39:42


  如果反复重现同一个词,考官会认为该考生的词汇量很有限,比如小作文中常用的“上升”,如果考生多次用increase, 却没有替换,比如:“rise, grow, climb, rocket, soar, jump”等,整体语言就会显得单一。



  On the one hand, fixed punishments will have a deterring effect on society. Individuals knowing that they will be subject to a certain punishment if they are convicted with a given crime, will reconsider committing thisact in the first place. This deterring effect also leads to social stability and security, through minimizing the number of crime committed. If people knewthey would be able to convince the court or the jury of a reason for having committed the crime they are accused of, penal decisions would be largely arbitrary. This would result into criminals getting away with their crimes and into a high level of injustice caused by the subjective approach of different courts.

