
2022-05-29 13:08:26


  1. 重申式


  As the excerpt stated, although I agree that some changes have indeed exerted vast significant positive impact in solving burdens for us, they fall short to bring about true progress in raising the quality of people’s lives.

  And no other than we have the unique capacity for independent thoughts to carry about changes can they ultimately set us free and solve enduring problems.

  2. 囊括式


  In sum, both Wei Zheng’s expostulation to Emperor Taitsung and my apperception from my classmate’s experience have witnessed that other people play an important role in understanding ourselves. Based on this cognizance, we should communicate and interact more with others in order to make self=promotions.

  3. 引申式


  The two examples we have discussed above strongly demonstrates how family and social surroundings respectively contribute to people’s changes in their lives. Furthermore, only though personal mind,

