
2022-05-19 00:25:47



  On December 12, 1901,Guglielmo Marconi transmitted the Morse code letter "s" across theAtlantic from Cornwall, England, to St. John's, Newfoundland. Thisdemonstration of wireless transmission eventually paved the way for today'scomplex global (and interglobal) communications, including radio, radar, andeven signals from other planets.

  SAT写作素材之二:First public demonstration of television 公开电视

  On January 26, 1926, JohnLogie Baird displayed television for the first time in public at a departmentstore in London. This was the first major step in the advancement of televisionsince Paul Nipkow received a patent on his proposal for a mechanical televisionsystem in 1883. By 1993, there were 215 million television sets in the UnitedStates alone.

  SAT写作素材之三:Silicon chip 硅晶片

  After ENIAC, the firstcomputer, was invented in 1946, researchers sought a more practical way toperform highly complex calculations. In 1947, three engineers (John Bardeen,William Shockley, and Walter Brattain) demonstrated that it was possible toselectively control the flow of electricity through silicon. This discovery ledto the creation of microprocessors and has since paved the way for today'shigh-speed, efficient computers.

  SAT写作素材之四:Flush toilet 抽水马桶

  British nobleman JohnHarington devised the first flushing "water closet," which featured awooden seat with a cistern and a valve for flushing. However, it wasn't untilthe nineteenth century when extensive sewage systems were introduced, that theflush toilet became as popular as the outhouse, the chamber pot, and thesecluded tree.

  SAT写作素材之五:Refrigerator 冰箱

  Modern refrigeration wasinvented by Jacob Perkins, a Massachusetts native residing in London. Perkins'spatented machine closely resembles today's refrigerator: a compressed fluid -ether for Perkins, Freon for us - evaporates to cool goods, then re-condenses.Today, fewer than one percent of American homes lack this cool convenience.
