
2022-06-08 02:26:40

  新sat作文要求在25分钟内,按照给出的题目作文。若想拿到高分,词数一般要在400以上。但是作文要想拿高分,除了日常的积累和备考之外,素材是必不可少的,今天小编为大家带来sat写作素材 努力的相关内容!


  Is success in life earned or do people succeedbecause they are lucky?

  昨天给女儿讲小狐的话剧生涯(fox on stage),发现这个故事特别适合用在这个话题当中。

  Fox wanted a part in the class play.

  “We must be fair,” said Miss Moon.

  And she put everyone’s name into a shoe box.

  Fox wanted the part of the handsome prince.

  And he was lucky.

  The part goes to Fox.

  However, Fox did not work on his part.

  The next day at play practice, Fox did not know the part of the handsome prince.

  Miss Moon was very cross.

  “I know the part of the handsome prince. And I know it by heart!”said Dexter.

  The night of the play everyone was excited. Dexter was very good as the handsome price.

  And Fox played a tree.

  这个故事讲得是小狐特别想在班上的话剧里出演英俊的王子。通过抽签的方式,幸运的小狐得到了这个角色。但是,小狐不背台词。结果在彩排的那天,他根本说不出台词。Miss Moon(老师)非常生气。这时,Dexter说他会被台词。于是,小狐的角色被Dexter取代。最后,小狐只能出演一棵树。



  上述就是关于sat写作素材 努力的内容介绍,希望帮助考生们进行
