
2022-06-06 12:48:58


  2016年3月5日,SAT 考试步入了一个新的时代, 写作部分也经历一次巨大的变化。此次改革给学生们带来了挑战。作为全球第一次的SAT考试,对于考生的借鉴有很大的帮助和指导意义。笔者也借此机会与大家一起分享这次的写作考试。根据考生的回忆,此次SAT首考的作文题的阅读文章来自于E.J. Dionne Jr. call for National Service 可以发现CB在出题时,基本的来源还是美国各大的报刊。所以同学在课下还是可以多读读像是The New York Times,The Huffington Post的文章。

  笔者从网上找到这篇文章的原文,总体来看此篇文章的话题还是对于学生较为熟悉的社会话题。类似的文章结构在与官方指南中的“Foreign News at a Crisis Point” 或是Kaplan 中的“Endorsing Health Care Reform”是比较相似的。 此篇文章主题是关于公共服务的,作者上希望美国民众,尤其是年轻人,要不论阶级,阶层或是肤色,应该积极参与公共服务,努力使美国社会变得更好。

  在这篇文章中,作者采取多样的方式来建立自己的观点,比如引用了美国著名的独立宣言来强调公民应有的责任,还有一些社会人士的引言来强调参与社会活动的意义,除此之外,一些单词的选择也使得文章添色不少,引起读者的感情。 对于今年准备New SAT考生来讲,写作部分是他们之前接触较少的分析性写作话题,希望同学们要平时多增加单词量,阅读量。 已有的题目来自各个官方渠道的总计12篇,希望大家要多研究这些文章和范文的结构,有助于写作的备考。下面我把此次SAT首考的阅读文章和笔者撰写的文章与大家同享,希望对你们有所帮助!

  Adapted from E.J. Dionne Jr., “A call for National Service”© 2013 by Washington Post. Originally published July 03, 2013

  1 Here is the sentence in the Declaration of Independence we always remember: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

  2 And here is the sentence we often forget: “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.”

  3 This, the very last sentence of the document, is what makes the better-remembered sentence possible. One speaks of our rights. The other addresses our obligations. The freedoms we cherish are self-evident but not self-executing. The Founders pledge something “to each other,” the commonly overlooked clause in the Declaration’s final pronouncement.

  4 We find ourselves, 237 years after the Founders declared us a new nation, in a season of discontent, even surliness, about the experiment they launched. We are sharply divided over the very meaning of our founding documents, and we are more likely to invoke the word “we” in the context of “us versus them” than in the more capacious sense that includes every single American.

