Owen once said, the pursuit of happiness is behind all human endeavor. This means, whether you are studying hard so as to go to Harvard, or working hard in order to buy a house, you just want to be happy. The pursuit of happiness is the ultimate reason behind everything we do.
Many people consider wealth and fame the main reason behind people’s endeavor. If you have money, you can live an extravagant life. If you have fame, you can be influential and popular. However, in my opinion, people work hard in order to realize their personal value.
Some say people work hard in order to achieve wealth and fame, if they became rich and famous, everything would be worth it. Others say people work hard so as to be useful to the society. They consider contribution the most important thing. What is actually the ultimate reason behind what we do then? In my opinion, it is the pursuit of happiness.
1). 故事的意义
2). 文章的主旨
3). 某某故事是个好例子
2)大背景-对立面(1,2,3)-but-主人公怎么做- 最后结果。
It is a neutral position that helps us make a better judgment.
Sometimes, standing on a neutral position does make us wiser.
Only when we are standing on a neutral position can we make an unbiased judgment.
Unless you are standing on a neutral position, your judgment would be biased.
One would never be able to see a clear picture of something until he no longer holds a stake in it.
Once you step out of something, your understanding of it could be much deeper.
When you hold a stake in something, can you still expect yourself to make an unbiased judgment? Of course not!
How can somebody make an unbiased judgment about something if he holds a stake in it?
If one holds a stake in something, he would never be able to make an unbiased judgment.
1). 观点中和,小于等于2句
2). But 重申全文观点
3). 重申分论点观点
4). 抒情
5). 拔高
Just do it
Couldn’t you do sth?
Shouldn’t you do sth?
Why don’t you do sth?
Why not do sth?
How about doing sth?
What about doing sth?
How does… sound?
Wouldn’t it be better if…?