
2022-06-06 21:29:46

  SAT I 的 Writing 部分要求写 1 篇文章,时间为 25 分钟,依据试题要求,写出一篇完整的议论文。 要求学生用铅笔在纸上完成(自 动铅笔、HB、2B 铅笔均可),不需要另加标题。SAT I 的 Writing 的字数没有硬性规定,但作文的篇幅约有一张半 A4 纸的大小。全部写满一般要 用400 至 500 个英语单词。




  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2007.5)

  Materialism: it's the thing that everybody loves to hate. Few aspects of modern life have been more criticized than materialism. But let's face it: materialism—acquiring possessions and spending money—is a vital source of meaning and happiness in our time. People may criticize modern society for being too materialistic, but the fact remains that most of us spend most of our energy producing and consuming more and more stuff.

  Adapted from James Twitchell, “Two Cheers for Materialism”

  Assignment: Should modern society be criticized for being materialistic? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.


  1. 题目翻译:



  2. 审题关键词:modern society, materialistic

  3. 论证分析-各段核心提纲:

  正:The world we are living has more stuff and money than any time in the past. More and more people emphasize so much on materials that they ignore other things that ate equally important, such as love and sympathy. So, modern society should be blamed.

  反:Yet, it is because of materialism that people have the incentive to create stuff, improve technology and gain wealth. Thus, materialism serves as a key momentum to perfect the society.

  补:We cannot safely say that materialism is good or bad. But it is guaranteed that putting too much emphasis on material can be harmful for the society as a whole.
