3.开始讲例子:1句话起句(比如说‘有很多例子能证明这点’)然后每个例子用1句话说,主语为人,先一个从句介绍此人概况,再一个从句介绍这人干了什么有了这个影响。其中用on one hand,on the other 过渡。
我在此之举一个例子。大家用心去领悟。虽短,但是这是本文关键之处。。。1.breaking rules.为啥?大家不是说这样做不好吗?(有点牵强是把,不过sat就是用牵强的例子证明。请在说这句话时理直气壮,就像是真的一样)好,,成了。怎么样。2.majority and minority.咦,不是很多人还是坚持国家不干预的政策的嘛?好,,我就是要干预,结果?成了。怎么样,minority厉不厉害?3.Idealism vs Realism. 咦,这个怎么会有关系呢?你看,这就是对realism的理解。realism可以(我只说可以)被称之为那些按现实实际情况而不是空想办事的人。。4.困境的作用。?但他克服了。so,成功了。可见困境的作用。5.。典型的身残志坚的代表。
。过渡句对realism重定义:although commonly acknowledged as XXX, in most cases this word could also be acknowledged as XXX(我们要的定义)。
大多数时候,大家多用although,even though转折,这点大家要多悟。我也老了,很久不写了,这方面只能点到这,没法继续深入了。大家谅解。
Lincoln & Helen Keller & Forrest Gump:
In addition, through experiences of lives burgeon theindividual achievements in the future. Instructionsand inspirations in the early time of one’s life can bequeath one the advancedpersonality and practical skills, which probably results in success when theygrow up. Numerous examples stand for my point onthis topic, such as Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller and Forrest Gump.On one hand, the poverty in life and failures during electionsdid not despair Lincoln, and he nevertheless triumph in his political life withhis perseverance, and abolished the slavery for his dream of equality and humanrights;
on theother, the innate physical imperfection could not prevent one from success.Helen Keller, inspired by her family teacher, stood up in adversities andbecame the most famous moral writer throughout the globe. Her personalexperience rescued millions of people from the depth of desperation; what is more, people can benefit from others as well. The intellectualdefect never discouraged Forrest Gump. Instead, encouraged by his mum andfriend, he learned to keep on chasing what he considered precious andunderstood the essence of the life.
The unlimited use of fossilfuels, which became indispensable to our industry today, really gives rise tounexpected catastrophes. Although changes in energy uses ushered in a new eraof Scientific Revolution, the burn of fossil fuels, rather than a clean andefficient way to get energy, will finally strike the human society. The naturalgas, coal and oil used to power industrial processes and motor vehicles putharmful compounds into the atmosphere, such as CO2, CO, SO2and tiny solid particles. The emission of these chemical gases may causedisasters. In 1952, about 4000 people died in London in the notorious event called LondonFogs. What is more, this burning activity is also bringing about a global-scaleclimatic change, known as the Global Warming. Warmer temperatures are expectedto partially melt the polar ice cap, leading to a sea-level rise of 1 meter bythe year 2100. If sea levels do rise at this rate, Florida Everglade would beinundated under salt water in the next century!
The seemingly advanced technology, ratherthan benefits us today, induces more trouble out of people’s expect. On onehand, the newly-invented appliances may deprive us of our opportunities andinterests to get close to the nature. We have color television to enjoy thetelevised view of Rocky Mountains, but we lostthe primitive beauty of nature in a concrete forest; on the other, newtechnology may contradict to our extant standard. Gene technology, consideredone of the greatest inventions in the world, places doubt on the moralcriterion; Furthermore, some so-called powerful weapons we invented can finallybecome the tools of terrible war. We vaunted of creating the atomic bomb,however if used improperly, we may ultimately destroy ourselves.
Einstein&John Nash & Galileo
Challengingauthority always leads to a social progress in science. The current main views,obviously, were once novelties impelling the world. However, every time has itsown motif, and the previous impetus may stand as an obstacle in the way ofsocial progress. Thus, only through changing these decrepit theories can thewhole human beings benefit. The example of Einstein, John Nash and Galileojustify me view. On one hand, the new theory may help in completing the currentone. With the help of Relativity, initiated by Albert Einstein, nowadaysscientists can explicate the motion of objects which speed comparable to light;on the other, new perception gives a new outlook on life. People come to thenegotiating table, inaugurating a new era of commerce, and attribute the mostto the author of a revolutionary theory—John Nash; furthermore, the novelty mayprovides impetus to a new domain. Abandoning the previous geocentric view, the worldbegins to probe the cosmos under the guide of Galileo’s heliocentric theory. Werethere not so many individuals daring to challenge, our society would never havedeveloped to the current height.
Humanity:Mother Teresa& Helen Keller
By takingsocial responsibility, the famous set up a model for the future. With theindication of the past examples, most of individuals may feel confident whentoiling onward into the progress of humanity. The examples of Helen Keller andMother Teresa justify my point. On one hand, the humanity of individuals mayinspire the whole world to devote on this field. Abandoning the previouscomfortable life as a teacher, Mother Teresa, defying all the obstacles, set upthe foundation called Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta. Consequently, Bill Gates, WarrenBuffet and other celebrities donated most of their money to their own foundations,after being encouraged by Mother Teresa. One the other, the struggle ofdisabled may have the bracing effect on the desperate. Helen Keller, deprivedof the ability to see and hear after a severe fever, stood on the adversitiesand fought inexhaustible till the final victory. Her process spurs numerouspeople, no matter healthy or disable, to strive for their own winning.
Justtake, Nelson Mandela, the previous president of South Africa who strived for thestop of segregation, as a typical example. In his period, many of the Africansare suffered a lot from poverty, famine and lack of indignity due to the racialdiscrimination. Nelson, an anti-apartheid activist and leader of the AfricanNational Congress, realized the terrible situation and was determined to changeit. He spearheaded the struggle against the apartheid. However, not everyoneembraced his movements. Not long after, Nelson was arrested and threw to jailunder an unconvincing commitment by his opponent. Although being put into thejail, Nelson insisted on his belief and kept writing in order to spread thefaith of liberty and equality. Nelson’sbravery and persistence inspired thousands of individuals striving on in theirown domains, and in return, people nominated him the ‘inspiration of human’ andgranted him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993
White Lies:
Sometimestelling the lies is the right course to keep hope in individuals’ hearts. Becausethe cruelty of truth may destroy the naiveté of littler children and the willto persist, telling the white lies becomes the only way we can go go. Examplesin the films Life is Beautiful and Jacob the Liar agree what I stand for. Onone hand, not telling the truth may help maintain children’s hope for thefuture. Guido, in spite of the ordeal he faced, still pretended to beoptimistic and told his son that this was just a game in which one persistslonger can earn more points. Thanks to the white lie, his son sustained hislife as long as purity without being tainted by the fierce war; on the otherhand, lies can give individuals firm belief to fight for the tomorrow. In thefilm Jacob the lair, Jacob, by telling the fellow people the victory of Soviethearing from his ‘secret radio station’, a program only existed in his mind, heencouraged the suffered stand up and combated with German. In these two cases, theirwhite lies give confidence and faith to people.
In thisdifficult period, Franklin .D .Roosevelt,considering Hoover’smistakes, combined macro-control with the market Economy. He brought forwardhis “New Deal” with the goal of giving relief to the needy, reform of the United States.(He made enthusiastic speeches on radios, encouraging citizens face thedifficulties and fight against it.)Although he faced the ideas against the “NewDeal” from different parties, he insisted on his own belief. His policy tookthe country out of the depression so the critics regarded Rooseveltas one of the greatest American presidents.