Success / happiness / failure
Is it best for people to accept who they are and what they have, or should people always strive to better themselves? (2009.6) (self-content, challenge, ambition, self-improvement)
Are people’s actions motivated primarily by a desire for power over others? (2008.5)
Do highly accomplished people achieve more than others mainly because they expect more of themselves? (2009.1) (high standards, high expectations)
Do people achieve greatness only by finding out what they are especially good at and developing that attribute above all else? (2007.10) (focuse, achieve superiority)
Is it wrong or harmful to motivate people to learn or achieve something by offering them rewards? (2012.1)
Has the acquisition of money and possessions replaced more meaningful ways of measuring our achievements? (2005.11)
Do success and happiness depend on the choices people make rather than on factors beyond their control? (2006.11)
Are people more likely to be happy if they focus on goals other than their own happiness? (2007.6) (self—larger good of others, course of action leading to an end in itself, pursuit of some goal external to one’s own happiness)
Does having a large number of options to choose from make people happy? (2007.11)
Are people likely to succeed by repeating actions that worked for them in the past? (2012-6.2
Is moderation an obstacle to achievement and success? (2010.3) (balance, control, restrain – excess of enthusiasm, efforts, intensity….)
Are people more likely to achieve their goals by being flexible or by refusing to compromise? (2012.6.3)
Do people succeed by emphasizing their differences from other people? (2010.5) (unique characteristics)
Are people more likely to be productive and successful when they ignore the opinions of others? (2006.12)