
2022-05-31 00:10:27


  Back in 2003,Anmerican Journalism Review produced a census of foreign correspondents then employed by newspapers based in the United States, and found 307full-time people. When AJR repeated the exercise in the summer of 2011,the count had dropped to 234. And even that number was significantly inflated by the inclusion of contract writers who had replaced full-time staffers.

  第一自然段作者开门见山,援引权威机构的数据证据吸引读者的注意力,通过对比,使读者意识到在美国的新闻机构向美国民众提供权威可信的foreign news的人在减少,增强作者对foreign news报道减少这一忧虑的可信性。

  In the intervening eight years, 20 American news organizations had entirely eliminated their foreign bureaus.

  第二自然段作者继续以事实证据来论证foreign news处于危机中,20家美国新闻机构彻底撤掉了国外办事处。作者试图引起读者关切。

  The same AJR survey zeroed in on a representative sampling of American papers from across the country and found that the space devoted to foreign news had shrunk by 53 percent over the previous quarter- century.


  All of this decline was playing out at a time when the U.S. was embroiled in two overseas wars, with hundreds of thousands of Americans deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was happening as domestic politics grappled with the merits and consequences of a global war on terror, as a Great Recession was blamed in part on global imbalances in savings, and as world leaders debated a global trade treaty and pacts aimed at addressing climate change. It unfolded as American workers heard increasingly that their wages and job security were under assault by competition from counterparts on the other side of oceans.


  In short, newsof the world is becoming palpably more relevant to the day-to-day experiencesof American readers, and it is rapidly disappearing.


  Yet the same forces that have assailed print media, eroding foreign news along the way, maybe fashioning a useful response. Several nonprofit outlets have popped up to finance foreign reporting, and a for-profit outfit, Global Post, has dispatched a team of 18 senior correspondents into the field, supplemented by dozens of stringers and freelancers…

  第六自然段作者由引起读者关切转向解释促使纸媒和外国新闻消失的那股力量也形成了有用的回应。一些新闻机构资助支持外国新闻报道或者派出记者报道外国新闻。本段中作者的用词也颇有深意,如“assailed” “eroding” 表现了作者对纸媒受到排挤,外国新闻削减这一现象的否定态度。

  We are intent on forging fresh platforms for user-generated content: testimonials, snap shots and video clips from readers documenting issues in need of attention. Too often these sorts of efforts wind up feeling marginal or even patronizing:“Dear peasant, here’s your chance to speak to the pros about what’s happening in your tiny little corner of the world.” We see user-generated content as a genuine reporting tool, one that operates on the premise that we can only be in so many places at once. Crowd-sourcing is a fundamental advantage of the web, so why not embrace it as a means of piecing together a broader and more textured understanding of events?


  We all know the power of Twitter, Facebook and other forms of social media to connect readers in one place with images and impressions from situations unfolding far away. We know the force of social media during the Arab Spring, as activists convened and reacted to changing circumstances… Facts and insights reside on social media, waiting to be harvested by the digitally literate contemporary correspondent.


  And yet those of us who have been engaged in foreign reporting for many years will confess to unease over many of the developments unfolding online, even as we recognize the trends are as unstoppable as globalization or the weather. Too often it seems as if professional foreign correspondents, the people paid to use their expertise while serving as informational filters, are being replaced by citizen journalists who function largely as funnels, pouring insight along with speculation, propaganda and other white noise into the mix.

  第九自然段作者指出虽然新媒体上平台有其优势,但是作者对网上的信息报道的专业性提出疑问和批评,因为越来越多的人平民记者取代了专业记者团队所起的过滤作用,网上的事件发展等充斥着猜想、宣传鼓动以及其他杂音等等。该段中,作者运用比喻的手法,形象生动地向读者展示了专业记者和平民记者的决然不同的作用,专业记者就像 “过滤器filters”,可以过滤掉不真实不专业的信息,而平民记者则像 “漏斗funnels”,没有任何过滤作用便将网上的信息内容拿来做新闻报道。

  We can celebrate the democratization of media, the breakdown of monopolies, the rise of innovative means of telling stories, and the inclusion of a diversity of voices, and still ask whether the results are making us better informed. Indeed, we have a professional responsibility to continually ask that question while seeking to engineer new models that can channel the web in the interest of better informing readers…


  We need to embrace the present and gear for the future. These are days in which newsrooms simply must be entrepreneurial and creative in pursuit of new means of reporting and paying for it. That makes this a particularly interesting time to be doing the work, but it also requires forth right attention to a central demand: We need to put back what the Internet has taken away. We need to turn the void into something fresh and compelling. We need to re-examine and update how we gather information and how we engage readers, while retaining the core values of serious-minded journalism.

  第十一自然段作者给出应对外国新闻危机的解决方法:不断尝试创新报道方式,吸引读者,要保持正统专业新闻的核心价值。作者用词表达了强烈的语气,比如“must” 表现作者坚定的想法。作者在本段中为了表现支持“serious journalism”,使用了复杂的句式来将这个概念和网络新媒体加以区分,使读者清晰地理解二者的区别,更加认同作者对正统新闻的支持。

  This will not be easy.... But the alternative—accepting ignorance and parochialism—is simply not an option.

