要点 1: Effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons and other evidence to support its position
关键词:insightful,approriate examples, reasons and other evidence
1) insightfully
insightfully=data mining(数据挖掘)
SAT考试要求考生写出具有深刻洞察力的文章。对于SAT这类强调思辨的批判性写作来说, 对于题目的核心概念进行挖掘是很必要的。
2) approriate examples, reasons and other evidence
考生在提出论点之后,必须寻找相关的、恰当的例证来支持和充实自己的论点。 SAT作文的推理过程远比推理的结果更重要,因此解释Why比给出What更重要,考官会通过审视推理过程来判断考生的逻辑陈述能力。
要点 2: Is well organized and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas
关键词:well organized, clearly focused, clear coherence and smooth progression
1) well organized
2) clearly focused
3) clear coherence and smooth progression