
2022-05-28 20:46:35


  1. 学校教育 schooling

  2. 家庭教育 upbringing (parenting)

  3. 远程教育 tele-education

  4. 素质教育quality-oriented education

  5. 小(中、大)学教育 primary(secondary, tertiary) education

  6. 男女同校 co-education(segregated education)

  7. 获取知识 acquire knowledge

  8. 传授知识 impart( inculcate) knowledge

  9. 灌输高尚的道德观 instill high moral values

  10. 教学方法 teaching method

  11. 学习成绩 academic performance

  12. 受过良好教育 well-educated

  13. 学科 discipline

  14. 专业知识 expertise

  15. 死记硬背 learn things by rote

  16. 创造力 creativity

  17. 塑造性格 shape(mould) one’s character

  18. 学生的反馈 students’ feedback(input)

  19. 评价老师的教学 evaluate teachers’ performance

  20. 理论知识 theoretical knowledge

  雅思大作文常见的十大话题二.现代科技和大众媒体(modernscience and mass media)


  1. 理论知识 theoretical knowledge

  2. 信息时代 information age(era)

  3. 不断进步的技术 advancing technology

  4. 跟上科学的发展 keep ahead of scientific advances

  5. 获取最新的信息 acquire the latest messages

  6. 做些厌倦和复杂的工作 do some tiring(drudgery)and complicated work

  7. 大众媒体 mass media

  8. 信息量大的 informative

  9. 缺乏感情交流 be lack of emotional exchanges

  10. 新闻报道 coverage

  11. 了解国内外发生的一切 learn what is happening at home and abroad

  12. 收视率 audience ratings

  13. 有教育意义的 instructive

  14. 接触不良信息 have access to (be exposed to )some negative information

  15. 有误导性的 misleading(misrepresented, distorted)

  16. 虚假广告 false (cheating) advertising

  17. 掩盖真相 mask (cover up, gloss up, whitewash)the truth

  18. 名人 celebrities

  19. 丑闻 scandal

  20. 侵犯隐私 violate(invade, infringe on, intrude on)one’s privacy

  21. 道德准则 code of ethics(conduct)

  雅思写作part2常见的十大话题三.全球化及影响(globalisation and its effect)


  1. 经济全球化 economic globalisation

  2. 文化同一性 cultural uniformity

  3. 文化多元化 cultural diversity

  4. 文化冲击 cultural shock

  5. 主流文化 dominant culture

  6. 促进文化的融合 promote cultural integration

  7. 融入新的文化 merge into new culture

  8. 融入国际贸易 participate in the world trade

  9. 相互认同 mutual acceptance

  10. 双赢局面 win-win situation

  11. 接受不同的文化和价值观 embrace different cultures and values

  12. 开拓全球市场 explore the global market

  13. 扩大出口 expand export

  14. 吸引外资 attract foreign capital

  15. 面对面交流 face-to-face communication

  16. 友好和好客 be friendly and hospitable

  17. 变得西方化 become westernised

  18. 加大贫富差距 widen the gap between the rich and the poor

  19. 对国内企业构成威胁 pose threats to domestic enterprises

  20. 激怒当地人 irritate local people

  雅思写作part2常见的十大话题四.文化与习俗` (culture and customs)


  1. 跨文化交流 cross-cultural communication

  2. 传统文化 traditional culture

  3. 文化同化 cultural assimilation

  4. 文化遗产 cultural heritage

  5. 文化习俗的象征 symbol of cultural customs

  6. 接受外来文化 embrace exotic culture

  7. 缩短文化差距 bridge cultural gaps

  8. 民族特性 national identity

  9. 民族自豪感 a sense of national pride

  10. 归属感 a sense of belonging

  11. 相互交流文化 exchange mutual culture

  12. 吸取精华,去其糟粕 absorb the essence and discard the dross

  13. 旅游观光的风景区 tourist attraction

  14.风土人情 local customs and practices

  15. 促进当地经济的发展 boost the growth of local economy

  16. 和平共处 coexist in harmony

